Demonstrate your ability to work with AWS by creating an S3 bucket and uploading a document to it.
- Create a new AWS account.
- Make sure to use the free tier which is valid for 12 months.
- Create a new S3 bucket in a region of your choice.
- Ensure only the specific document you'll be uploading has public read access only through the private link. The entire bucket should not be publicly accessible.
- Upload your CV to the S3 bucket.
- Ensure the CV is accessible via a private link.
- If you use Terraform to automate the creation of the S3 bucket and the document upload, you'll earn bonus points.
- Provide a link to the Github repository where your Terraform code is stored.
- Provide the public link to your uploaded CV for review.
- If you used Terraform, also provide the link to your Github repository.
- Use this email address to submit your answers
- Ensure you're familiar with AWS's free tier limits to avoid any unexpected charges.
- Always follow best practices for security.