Te library provides Dataset collecting, converting, testing and Model testing on videos, frames, images practically.
📘 Usage
It can be added as a local library or can be used by cloning this repo and importing it with a py file in its parent directory.
For dataset processes you can use scripts in datasets folder<, for testing you can use test folder. The models folder is for the YOLO models/p>
🌲 File and Class Hieararchy
Dataset folder
---datasets: This is where the datasets will sit
---merge: This is the merged datasets outputs
---utils.py: Scripts for the dataset processes
Models folder
---It includes yolo models
---GUI.py: You can do transactions with GUI. Just run with python
Test Folder
---data: It is where test datas. 3 data type for the use. They are 'video','frames' and 'images'. You can choose for your data type
---apply.py: Scripts for the test processes. You can start with create_data() function
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, please refer to the LICENSE file