Ragu's personal web site, using the design of http://html5up.net/spectral by @ajlkn and Jekyll theme by @arkadianriver.
a. Docker based
From the repo's root directory run,
$ docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 -v "$PWD:/srv/jekyll" jekyll/jekyll jekyll serve --watch --incremental --host ""
Open a browser and navigate to
b. Native
Install ruby and bundler on your local machine then,
From the repo's root directory run,
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000 (or the port number that jekyll indicates to open)
c. Script
From the repo's root directory run,
$ ./scripts/run.sh
I have enabled Travis CI hook that triggers everytime commit is pushed. Build status and error messages can be seen by following CI status in commit history.
I would like to thank my beloved wife @Sinduja Raghavendra for teaching web development and helping me fixing bugs in the original theme to make the website responsive.
Obviously I should thank @Gary Faircloth for this wonderful theme.