Emoty provides a new conversational experience for therapists and Children with neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) problems. This system helps children with such conditions to develop and cultivate their emotional abilities by offering a friendly and enjoyable environment. The therapist communicates with the child as an animated character via the wizard of Oz scenario.
- Create a Python virtual environment and execute the following command
virtualenv NAME_OF_ENV && source NAME_OF_ENV/bin/activate
- Install Python required packages (Flask, SocketIO, ...)
cd flask
pip install -r requirments.txt
Note: in case if Python virtual environment is not installed, run the subsequent command
pip install virtualenv
- Run the Flask Server as API of the project by
python app.py
- Install the NPM package manager and NodeJS base on your OS. Next, run the command to install required packages (Vuejs, ...) to Run the FrontEnd of the project
cd Emoty
npm install
- Execute the command to run the serving server
npm run serve
- Having installed before the NodeJS, NPM and required packages, execute the command to run the server.
node server.js
- Esteva, Clara - clara.esteva@mail.polimi.it
- Guzey, Ceren - ceren.guzey@mail.polimi.it
- Molaei, Amirsalar - Amirsalar.molaei@mail.polimi.it
- Rahnemoon, Erfan - erfan.rahnemoon@mail.polimi.it
Jennifer L. Scotland, Karen McKenzie, Jill Cossar, Aja Murray, Amanda Michie, Recognition of facial expressions of emotion by adults with intellectual disability: Is there evidence for the emotion specificity hypothesis?, Research in Developmental Disabilities Volume 48
Understanding emotions from standardized facial expressions in autism and normal development, Fulvia Castelli, California Institute of Technology, USA, autism © 2005 SAGE Publications and The National Autistic Society Vol 9(4)
AW, Young & Perrett, David & Calder, A. & Sprengelmeyer, Reiner & Ekman, P.. (2002). Facial expressions of emotion: Stimuli and tests (FEEST). Thames Valley Test Company (TVTC).
Fabio Catania, Nicola Di Nardo, Franca Garzotto, Daniele Occhiuto, Emoty: An Emotionally Sensitive Conversational Agent for People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019
Aslam MM (2006). "Are You Selling the Right Colour? A Cross-cultural Review of Colour as a Marketing Cue". Journal of Marketing Communications. 15-30
Elliot AJ (2015-04-02). "Color and psychological functioning: a review of theoretical and empirical work". Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 368.
- NOTE: The Google cloud credential should be replaced by your own in the flask/emoty-tts-key.json file.