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This program is working example of mapreduce program, which uses secondary sorting to group and sort employees data.

Employees DataSet

EmpID DOB FName LName Gender Hire_date DeptID
10003 12/3/1959 Parto Bamford M 8/28/1986 d004
10004 5/1/1954 Chirstian Koblick M 12/1/1986 d004
10005 1/21/1955 Kyoichi Maliniak M 9/12/1989 d003
10006 12/3/1959 Utsav Chatterjee M 8/28/1986 d004
10007 5/1/1954 Utsav C. M 12/1/1986 d005
10008 1/21/1955 Michael Gross M 9/12/1989 d006
10009 12/3/1959 Rodney Purtle M 8/28/1986 d007
10010 5/1/1954 Ahishek Kumar M 12/1/1986 d007
10011 1/21/1955 Abhilash Whatever M 9/12/1989 d007
10012 12/3/1959 Ranga Something M 8/28/1986 d003
10013 5/1/1954 John Doe M 12/1/1986 d006
10014 1/21/1955 John Talburt M 9/12/1989 d006
10015 12/3/1959 Daniel Pullen M 8/28/1986 d006
10016 5/1/1954 Ross Hupchuck M 12/1/1986 d006
10017 1/21/1955 Mountain Dew M 9/12/1989 d005
10018 12/3/1959 Coca Cola M 8/28/1986 d005
10019 5/1/1954 Pepsi Cola M 12/1/1986 d005
10020 1/21/1955 Janhavee Pande F 9/12/1989 d005

Sort this dataset by deptID asc order and LName,FName,EmpID desc order. Output DataSet

DeptID LName FName EmpID
d003 Something Ranga 10012
d003 Maliniak Kyoichi 10005
d004 Koblick Chirstian 10004
d004 Chatterjee Utsav 10006
d004 Bamford Parto 10003
d005 Pande Janhavee 10020
d005 Dew Mountain 10017
d005 Cola Pepsi 10019
d005 Cola Coca 10018
d005 C. Utsav 10007
d006 Talburt John 10014
d006 Pullen Daniel 10015
d006 Hupchuck Ross 10016
d006 Gross Michael 10008
d006 Doe John 10013
d007 Whatever Abhilash 10011
d007 Purtle Rodney 10009
d007 Kumar Ahishek 10010

This should be the output of the mapreduce program.

Class Descriptions


Custom Writable class, which implements WritableComparable interface. It holds DeptId,LName,FName,EmpID.

Mapper: SSEMapper

Outputs key-value pair, Key as CompositeKey(deptId-lastName-firstName-empID) & value as IntWritable.

Partitioner: SSEPartitioner

Partitions data based on deptId hashcode.

SortingComparator: SSESortingComparator

Sorting Comparator which sorts keys in map tasks. It sorts keys based on deptID asc, if deptId is same then it will sort keys by lastName-firstName-empID desc order. It extends WritableComparator class. It overrides compare method which compares two keys.

GroupingComparator: SSEGroupingComparator

Grouping Comparator which groups keys in reduce tasks. It will group all keys with same deptId. It extends WritableComparator Class. It overrides compare method which compared two keys.

Reducer: SSEReducer

Reducer class takes input CompositeKey,Iterator . for each iterator it will write data to context (deptID-lastName-firstName-empId).

Driver: SSEDriver

Driver class which initializes hadoop mapreduce job with relevant configurations.


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