This program is working example of mapreduce program, which uses secondary sorting to group and sort employees data.
Employees DataSet
EmpID | DOB | FName | LName | Gender | Hire_date | DeptID |
10003 | 12/3/1959 | Parto | Bamford | M | 8/28/1986 | d004 |
10004 | 5/1/1954 | Chirstian | Koblick | M | 12/1/1986 | d004 |
10005 | 1/21/1955 | Kyoichi | Maliniak | M | 9/12/1989 | d003 |
10006 | 12/3/1959 | Utsav | Chatterjee | M | 8/28/1986 | d004 |
10007 | 5/1/1954 | Utsav | C. | M | 12/1/1986 | d005 |
10008 | 1/21/1955 | Michael | Gross | M | 9/12/1989 | d006 |
10009 | 12/3/1959 | Rodney | Purtle | M | 8/28/1986 | d007 |
10010 | 5/1/1954 | Ahishek | Kumar | M | 12/1/1986 | d007 |
10011 | 1/21/1955 | Abhilash | Whatever | M | 9/12/1989 | d007 |
10012 | 12/3/1959 | Ranga | Something | M | 8/28/1986 | d003 |
10013 | 5/1/1954 | John | Doe | M | 12/1/1986 | d006 |
10014 | 1/21/1955 | John | Talburt | M | 9/12/1989 | d006 |
10015 | 12/3/1959 | Daniel | Pullen | M | 8/28/1986 | d006 |
10016 | 5/1/1954 | Ross | Hupchuck | M | 12/1/1986 | d006 |
10017 | 1/21/1955 | Mountain | Dew | M | 9/12/1989 | d005 |
10018 | 12/3/1959 | Coca | Cola | M | 8/28/1986 | d005 |
10019 | 5/1/1954 | Pepsi | Cola | M | 12/1/1986 | d005 |
10020 | 1/21/1955 | Janhavee | Pande | F | 9/12/1989 | d005 |
Sort this dataset by deptID asc order and LName,FName,EmpID desc order. Output DataSet
DeptID | LName | FName | EmpID |
d003 | Something | Ranga | 10012 |
d003 | Maliniak | Kyoichi | 10005 |
d004 | Koblick | Chirstian | 10004 |
d004 | Chatterjee | Utsav | 10006 |
d004 | Bamford | Parto | 10003 |
d005 | Pande | Janhavee | 10020 |
d005 | Dew | Mountain | 10017 |
d005 | Cola | Pepsi | 10019 |
d005 | Cola | Coca | 10018 |
d005 | C. | Utsav | 10007 |
d006 | Talburt | John | 10014 |
d006 | Pullen | Daniel | 10015 |
d006 | Hupchuck | Ross | 10016 |
d006 | Gross | Michael | 10008 |
d006 | Doe | John | 10013 |
d007 | Whatever | Abhilash | 10011 |
d007 | Purtle | Rodney | 10009 |
d007 | Kumar | Ahishek | 10010 |
This should be the output of the mapreduce program.
Custom Writable class, which implements WritableComparable interface. It holds DeptId,LName,FName,EmpID.
Outputs key-value pair, Key as CompositeKey(deptId-lastName-firstName-empID) & value as IntWritable.
Partitions data based on deptId hashcode.
Sorting Comparator which sorts keys in map tasks. It sorts keys based on deptID asc, if deptId is same then it will sort keys by lastName-firstName-empID desc order. It extends WritableComparator class. It overrides compare method which compares two keys.
Grouping Comparator which groups keys in reduce tasks. It will group all keys with same deptId. It extends WritableComparator Class. It overrides compare method which compared two keys.
Reducer class takes input CompositeKey,Iterator . for each iterator it will write data to context (deptID-lastName-firstName-empId).
Driver class which initializes hadoop mapreduce job with relevant configurations.