This repository contains an example of how to build an application that uses the Blackmagic Decklink SDK.
The code builds a simple binary that lets you view basic status information about your Decklink - written for PCIe devices.
It uses CMake to build (the example code provided by Blackmagic uses only Makefiles), and modern C++ features.
Here's what you'll get when you run it:
DeckLink Mini Recorder 4K
API version: 14.4
Device Temperature: 60 °C
PCIe info: 2 Gb/s (4 lanes)
Could not get video display mode. Are you sure a video input is connected?
Device ID: 559022103
$ cmake -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build
Then run the executable:
$ ./decklinkInfo
- Add cross-compilation support to be able to build Windows executables on Linux