This repository contains a very simple script you can use to visualize the data from your BlueDriver OBD2 dongle. Once you've exported your logs from the app, save them to a directory.
Your log files should be in CSV format, with 2 lines (a name and a date) before the column heading, ie.
BlueDriver Data Log
Jul 23, 2018 8:18:31 AM
Time (s),Barometric Pressure (kPa),Vehicle Speed (MPH),Absolute Load Value (%),Ambient Air Temperature (°C),Intake Air Temperature (°C),Engine Coolant Temperature (°C),Catalyst Temperature Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (°C),Engine RPM (rpm),Fuel Level Input (%)
This script will go through and create a simple scatterplot for every possible data field seen, and optionally, rename your log file using the timestamp.
Here's an example of one scatterplot.
Install Matplotlib and Pandas via
usage: [-h] -i INPUT_FOLDER -o OUTPUT_FOLDER -r
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FOLDER, --input-folder INPUT_FOLDER
Input directory: where Bluedriver data files are stored
Output directory: where output graphs will be stored
-r, --rename Whether or not you'd like the files to be renamed