I am Ramesh Adhikari, a computer science doctoral candidate at School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University , in Augusta Georgia, United States. My advisor is Dr. Costas Busch. You can find my CV here. I received a Bachelor of Computer Engineering degree in 2017 from Tribhuvan University, and an M.Sc. in Computer Engineering in 2021 from Pokhara University, Nepal.
I work with Dr. Costas Busch, on a distributed algorithm and blockchain technology. My research interests are Distributed Algorithms, Blockchain Technology, and Computer Vision.
- Spent 3+yrs on Building backend services
- Built RestFul services for several clients: Mobile App, Web App
- Expertise in backend technologies: Laravel, Django, Node.js
- Experienced in Working Database: Mysql, SQL server
- Familiar with Deployment of applications on AWS, DigitalOcean
- Comfortable with Linux, Bash, Shell Script
- Experienced on optimizing relational database
- Worked on SAAS platform