Stable release v1.6.0
v1.6.0 release [ Public Version ]
- [Add] support for NETFramework4.6.1
- [Add] GetEncryptedPassword to ExtensionHelper for .NETFramework 4.6.1 or newer and NETStandard 2.0 or newer
- [Add] IRegistrationService and RegistrationService
- [Add] CreateNewAccountWithPhoneNumberAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CreateNewAccountWithEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GenerateRandomBirthday to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetFirstContactPointPrefillAsync to RegistrationService
- [Add] FirstLauncherSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] FirstQeSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckUsernameAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] InstaCheckEmailRegistration to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetSignupConsentConfigAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] SendRegistrationVerifyEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckRegistrationConfirmationCodeAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetSiFetchHeadersAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetUsernameSuggestionsAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckAgeEligibilityAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetOnboardingStepsAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] NewUserFlowBeginsConsentAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetMultipleAccountsFamilyAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetZrTokenResultAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] LauncherSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] QeSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] NuxNewAccountSeenAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] GetContactPointPrefillAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] SmsVerificationCode property to IRegistrationService
- [Add] AccountRegistrationPhoneNumber to IRegistrationService
- [Add] CheckPhoneNumberAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] SendSignUpSmsCodeAsync to IRegistrationService
- [Add] VerifySignUpSmsCodeAsync to IRegistrationService