A simple UIKit app that displays top-rated movies using TheMoviesDB API
- Movies list screen
- Movie details screen
- UIKit
- RXSwift/RXCocoa
- Architectural pattern (MVVM)
- CoreData
- Unit Testing
- UI Testing
- SwiftLint for code style
- SDWebImage for image caching
- RxSwift/RxCocoa
- SnapshotTesting
- RxTest
- RxBlocking
- iOS 13.1 or later.
- Xcode 13.0 or later.
Dependencies in this project are provided via Cocoapods. Please install all dependencies with
pod install
if you are using a Macbook M1, maybe you will face an error while executing the previous command, so you can try the following commands
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
arch -x86_64 pod install