Zig 0.14.0 or higher is required.
This project currently is in beta.
This directory contains bindings for the Zig programming language, as well as an example implementation of the clay website in Zig.
Special thanks to johan0A for the reference implementation.
If you haven't taken a look at the full documentation for clay, it's recommended that you take a look there first to familiarise yourself with the general concepts. This README is abbreviated and applies to using clay in Zig specifically.
The most notable difference between the C API and the Zig bindings is the use of if statements to open the scope for declaring child elements and then having to close it "manually" with a deferred function call.
Other changes include:
- minor naming changes
- ability to initialize a parameter by calling a function that is part of its type's namespace for example
- ability to initialize a parameter by using a public constant that is part of its type's namespace for example
- Talk about integrations with raylib
- Talk about special
, andhovered()
// C macro for creating a scope
.layoutDirection = CLAY_TOP_TO_BOTTOM,
.childAlignment = { .x = CLAY_ALIGN_X_CENTER, .y = CLAY_ALIGN_Y_TOP },
.sizing = { .width = CLAY_SIZING_FIXED(300), .height = CLAY_SIZING_GROW() },
.padding = {16, 16},
.childGap = 16,
) {
// Child elements here
// Zig form of element macros
if ({
.id = clay.Id("SideBar"),
.layout = .{
.direction = .top_to_bottom,
.alignment = .center_top,
.sizing = .{ .w = .fixed(300), .h = .grow },
.padding = .all(16),
.child_gap = 16,
.rectangle = .{ .color = COLOR_LIGHT },
})) {
defer clay.close();
// Child elements here
Download and add clay-zig
as a dependency by running the following command in your project root:
zig fetch --save<commit sha>.tar.gz
Then add clay-zig
as a dependency and import its modules and artifact in your build.zig:
const clay_dep = b.dependency("clay-zig", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("clay", clay_dep.module("clay"));
To enable a builtin renderer you should first add its third party library to your project separately (eg: raylib, sdl2), then tell clay-zig about it. In this example we are using raylib-zig:
const cl = @import("clay-zig");
const raylib_dep = b.dependency("raylib-zig", .{ ... });
cl.enableRenderer(exe.root_module, clay_dep, .{ .raylib = raylib_dep.module("raylib") });
- Ask clay for how much static memory it needs using clay.minMemorySize(), create an Arena for it to use with clay.createArenaWithCapacityAndMemory(min_memory_size, memory), and initialize it with clay.initialize(arena, layout_size, error_handler).
const memory = try allocator.alloc(u8, clay.minMemorySize());
const arena = clay.createArenaWithCapacityAndMemory(@intCast(memory.len), @ptrCast(memory));
clay.initialize(arena, .{}, .{});
- Provide a
measureText(text, config)
function with clay.setMeasureTextFunction(function) so that clay can measure and wrap text.
// Example measure text function
pub fn measureText(text: []const u8, config: *clay.TextConfig) clay.Dimensions {
// clay.TextConfig contains members such as font_id, font_size, letter_spacing etc
// Tell clay how to measure text
- Optional - Call clay.setPointerPosition(pointerPosition) if you want to use mouse interactions.
clay.setPointerState(.{ .x = mouse_position_x, .y = mouse_position_y }, is_left_mouse_button_down);
- Call clay.beginLayout() and declare your layout using the provided functions.
const COLOR_LIGHT = clay.Color.init(224, 215, 210, 255);
const COLOR_RED = clay.Color.init(168, 66, 28, 255);
const COLOR_ORANGE = clay.Color.init(225, 138, 50, 255);
// Layout config is just a struct that can be declared statically, or inline
const sidebar_item_layout = clay.LayoutConfig{
.sizing = .{ .w = .grow, .h = .fixed(50) },
// Re-useable components are just normal functions
fn sidebarItemComponent(index: usize) void {
.id = clay.IdWithIndex("SidebarBlob", index),
.layout = sidebar_item_layout,
.rectangle = .{ .color = COLOR_ORANGE },
// An example function to begin the "root" of your layout tree
fn createLayout() clay.RenderCommandArray {
// An example of laying out a UI with a fixed width sidebar and flexible width main content
if ({
.id = clay.Id("OuterContainer"),
.layout = .{ .sizing = .grow, .padding = .all(16), .child_gap = 16 },
.rectangle = .{ .color = .init(250, 250, 250, 255) },
})) {
defer clay.close();
if ({
.id = clay.Id("SideBar"),
.layout = .{ .direction = .top_to_bottom, .sizing = .{ .w = .fixed(300), .h = .grow }, .padding = .all(16), .child_gap = 16 },
.rectangle = .{ .color = COLOR_LIGHT },
})) {
defer clay.close();
if ({
.id = clay.Id("ProfilePictureOuter"),
.layout = .{ .sizing = .{ .w = .grow }, .padding = .all(16), .child_gap = 16, .alignment = .left_center },
.rectangle = .{ .color = COLOR_RED },
})) {
defer clay.close();
.id = clay.Id("ProfilePicture"),
.layout = .{ .sizing = .fixed(60) },
.image = .{ .image_data = &profile_picture, size = .all(60) },
clay.text("Clay - UI Library", .{ .font_size = 24, .text_color = .init(255, 255, 255, 255) });
// Standard Zig code like loops etc. work inside components
for (0..10) |i| sidebarItemComponent(i)
if ({
.id = clay.Id("MainContent"),
.layout = .{ .sizing = .grow },
.rectangle = .{ .color = COLOR_LIGHT },
})) {
defer clay.close();
// ...
return clay.endLayout();
- Call clay.endLayout() and process the resulting clay.RenderCommandArray in your choice of renderer.
const render_commands = clay.endLayout();
for (render_commands.slice()) |render_command| {
switch (render_command.type) {
.rectangle => {
drawRectangle(render_command.bounding_box, render_command.config.rectangle.color);
// ... Implement handling of other command types
Please see the full C documentation for clay for API details. All public C functions and Macros have Zig binding equivalents, generally of the form Clay_BeginLayoup
(C) -> clay.beginLayout