Examples of Java EE 8 security API
Basic example to get familiar with Http Mechanism, IdentityStore and the configuration by the CDI definition annotation.
Runs fine on GlassFish 5.0
More realistic scenario using a custom login form (Using PrimeFaces) and authentication/authorization against an external LDAP.
External LDAP is configured by the CDI definition annotation in the Servlet class.
Example LDAP entries can be found within apacheDS_JCP.ldif
Runs fine on GlassFish 5.0
Same as previous but now the protected resource is a JSF page, not a servlet.
Additional config is made within web.xml to define the protected and free accessible pages.
On GlassFish 5.0, there is an Internal Server Error with no explanation.
Therefor a EE7 profile is created in Maven so that the application runs on WildFly 10+.
This is an example of custom implementations for HttpAuthenticationMechanism, IdentityStore and IdentityStoreHandler.
- TestAuthenticationMechanism -> Custom implementation which reds user name and password from query parameters.
- AuthorizationIdentityStore -> Custom implementation which only provide the groups. Authentication is performed by a store through CDI definition annotation
- CustomIdentityStoreHandler -> Custom implementation which loops over all IdentityStores doing authentication so implement a 'black list'. See also BlackListedIdentityStore and beans.xml
Runs fine on GlassFish 5.0
This example protects JAX-RS endpoints by JWT Bearer tokens.
Code and example can be found in the Atbash JSR375 extensions repository.
There is an issue on my machine with the JAX-RS endpoints on GlassFish 5.0. Therefor a EE7 profile is created in Maven so that the application runs on WildFly 10+.
POC for the usage of an OAuth2 provider (Google) for retrieving the end user information.
Code and example can be found in the Atbash JSR375 extensions repository.
There is an issue on GlassFish 5.0 with custom Principals (which needs to be allowed according to the JSR-375 spec). Therefor a EE7 profile is created in Maven so that the application runs on WildFly 10+.
Extracted the app-db example from the Soteria repository https://github.com/javaee/security-soteria/tree/master/test/app-db and removed the 'dynamic' configuration aspects (EL within configuration annotation)
Contains example of using Pbkdf2 password hashing algorithm.
Runs fine on GlassFish 5.0