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Fix Travis CI by updating to SPARQL.ex 0.2.1
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marcelotto committed Sep 17, 2018
1 parent 6f83af5 commit eb8f33b
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Showing 2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mix.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ defmodule SPARQL.Client.Mixfile do

defp deps do
{:sparql, "~> 0.2"},
{:sparql, "~> 0.2.1"},
{:rdf, "~> 0.5"},
{:json_ld, "~> 0.3"},

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions mix.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"nimble_csv": {:hex, :nimble_csv, "0.4.0", "e2a21d93071cb3b3278411b5b49fe6b55a0e4b3e90485d1187e0c9c75c74f977", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"nimble_parsec": {:hex, :nimble_parsec, "0.4.0", "ee261bb53214943679422be70f1658fff573c5d0b0a1ecd0f18738944f818efe", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"parse_trans": {:hex, :parse_trans, "3.3.0", "09765507a3c7590a784615cfd421d101aec25098d50b89d7aa1d66646bc571c1", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"rdf": {:hex, :rdf, "0.5.0", "33c6a875bee07c67e4b9ea9ff840e57001620415b296aef233a20765b4cf5d2d", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.5", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"sparql": {:hex, :sparql, "0.2.0", "e32678c1572500e0da857e56075041a3f68d3942815d68b67ca168a830029332", [:mix], [{:elixir_uuid, "~> 1.2", [hex: :elixir_uuid, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:nimble_csv, "~> 0.4", [hex: :nimble_csv, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:rdf, "~> 0.5", [hex: :rdf, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:sweet_xml, "~> 0.6", [hex: :sweet_xml, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"rdf": {:hex, :rdf, "0.5.1", "b59eaf5df3d77c6c3bb35efdb61f30ba8a1321c03206449ea71fb58670e94f1d", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.5", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"sparql": {:hex, :sparql, "0.2.1", "e0545825ae86666d4ff330c22f2c456983e35ce54e5d30552d1c3390a8e1170b", [:mix], [{:elixir_uuid, "~> 1.2", [hex: :elixir_uuid, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:jason, "~> 1.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:nimble_csv, "~> 0.4", [hex: :nimble_csv, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:rdf, "~> 0.5", [hex: :rdf, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:sweet_xml, "~> 0.6", [hex: :sweet_xml, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"ssl_verify_fun": {:hex, :ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.4", "f0eafff810d2041e93f915ef59899c923f4568f4585904d010387ed74988e77b", [:make, :mix, :rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"sweet_xml": {:hex, :sweet_xml, "0.6.5", "dd9cde443212b505d1b5f9758feb2000e66a14d3c449f04c572f3048c66e6697", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"tesla": {:hex, :tesla, "1.1.0", "666e90b65d5c1edd4cd9ba96a24cf5d552cc29ccf5b22ca0cc86c465f732ba40", [:mix], [{:exjsx, ">= 3.0.0", [hex: :exjsx, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:fuse, "~> 2.4", [hex: :fuse, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hackney, "~> 1.6", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:ibrowse, "~> 4.4.0", [hex: :ibrowse, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:jason, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:mime, "~> 1.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:poison, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :poison, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
Expand Down

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