List of node packages from the rdf-ext organization and contributors
- rdf-ext/rdf-store-abstract - Abstract implementation, can be used to build your own store
- rdf-ext/rdf-store-ldp - Query an external Linked Data Platform via RESTful HTTP requests
- rdf-ext/rdf-store-fs - Using the file system
- rdf-ext/rdf-store-inmemory - Store loaded in memomory
- rdf-ext/rdf-store-singlegraph - Store has only a single graph
- rdf-ext/rdf-store-sparql - Uses the Graph Store HTTP Protocol interface
- rdf-ext/rdf-store-rdfstore-js - Store built on top of Rdfstore-js
- nicola/rdf-store-multi - Use multiple store depending on the IRI
- nicola/rdf-store-server - Uses a local store or a remote store depending on the IRI
- nicola/rdf-store-acl - Add ACL support to your RDF store
- rdf-parser-abstract
- rdf-parser-rdfxml
- rdf-parser-microdata
- rdf-parser-dom - abstract class for DOM parsing
- rdf-parser-jsonld
- rdf-parser-n3
- nicola/folder-to-rdf - Get an RDF graph of the contents of a folder
- Add yours!
You wrote a package, a store, a parser? Please send us a PR!