Blog site
This is a static blog generator and starter gatsby repo. A port of Casper v2 a theme from Ghost for GatsbyJS using TypeScript.
Ignore if already installed.
Only builds with nodejs 16.14 Use chocolatey to install it or use docker build instead if cannot install the older 14.2 nodejs version for some reason.
npm install --global yarn
npm install --global gatsby-cli@3.15.0
yarn install
gatsby build
gatsby develop
docker build -t myproject/website .
docker run --rm -p 80:80 myproject/website
# Open your browser at http://localhost
Edit gatsby-config.js
section siteMetadata
siteMetadata: {
title: 'My awesome site name',
description: 'This is a description for my site',
siteUrl: '', // full path to blog - no ending slash
In gatsby-node.js
, edit the postsPerPage
constant. The default value is
six posts per page.