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Red5 Pro WebRTC SDK

The Red5 Pro WebRTC SDK allows you to integrate live streaming video into your desktop and mobile browser.


Important Node About 11.0.0 Release

Red5 Pro SDK now supports WHIP/WHEP

Read more from out documentation on WHIP/WHEP integration!

Important Note About 8.0.0 Release

Red5 Pro SDK has been published on NPM!

While currently not open source, the SDK build has been published to NPM to allow you to integrate into your projects with greater ease and dependency management.


As script in HTML page

<script src=""></script>

... or if you know the version:

<script src=""></script>

Using npm or yarn for you browser-based projects

npm install --save-dev red5pro-webrtc-sdk
yarn install --dev red5pro-webrtc-sdk


All members exposed on the otherwise global window.red5prosdk if loading as a script on an HTML page are importable from the red5pro-webrtc-sdk module:


import { WHIPClient, WHEPClient } from 'red5pro-webrtc-sdk'

To begin working with the Red5 Pro HTML5 SDK in your project:

Quick Start - Standalone Server Deployment

<!doctype html>
    <!-- *Recommended WebRTC Shim -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- video containers -->
    <!-- publisher -->
      <video id="red5pro-publisher" width="640" height="480" muted autoplay></video>
    <!-- subscriber -->
      <video id="red5pro-subscriber" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay></video>
    <!-- Red5 Pro SDK -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Create Pub/Sub -->
      ((red5prosdk) => {
        'use strict'

        const rtcPublisher = new red5prosdk.WHIPClient()
        const rtcSubscriber = new red5prosdk.WHEPClient()
        const config = {
          protocol: 'ws',
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 5080,
          app: 'live',
          streamName: 'mystream',
          rtcConfiguration: {
            iceServers: [{urls: ''}],
            iceCandidatePoolSize: 2,
            bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle',
          } // See

        const subscribe = async () => {
          try {
            await rtcSubscriber.init(config)
            await rtcSubscriber.subscribe()
          } catch (err) {
              console.error('Could not play: ' + err)

        const publish = async () => {
          try {
            // Once publishing, call subscribe!
            rtcPublisher.on(red5prosdk.PublisherEventTypes.PUBLISH_START, subscribe)
            await rtcPublisher.init(config)
            await rtcPublisher.publish()
          } catch(err) {
            console.error('Could not publish: ' + err)

        // Start Publisher first ->


Quick Start - StreamManager 2.0 Deployment

With the Stream Manager 2.0 Release, the endpoint init configuration property was introduced in the SDK to allow developers to specify the specific endpoint to proxy through on the Stream Manager.

Note: You will need to know which Node Group you intend to target for publishing and subscribing.

<!doctype html>
    <!-- *Recommended WebRTC Shim -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- video containers -->
    <!-- publisher -->
      <video id="red5pro-publisher" width="640" height="480" muted autoplay></video>
    <!-- subscriber -->
      <video id="red5pro-subscriber" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay></video>
    <!-- Red5 Pro SDK -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Create Pub/Sub -->
      ((red5prosdk) => {
        'use strict'

        const host = 'my-server-deployment'
        const nodeGroup = 'my-node-group'
        const streamName = 'my-stream-name'

        const rtcPublisher = new red5prosdk.WHIPClient()
        const rtcSubscriber = new red5prosdk.WHEPClient()
        const config = {
          rtcConfiguration: {
            iceServers: [{urls: ''}],
            iceCandidatePoolSize: 2,
            bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle',
          } // See

        const subscribe = async () => {
          try {
            await rtcSubscriber.init({
              endpoint: `https://${host}/as/v1/proxy/whep/live/${streamName}`,
              connectionParams: {
            await rtcSubscriber.subscribe()
          } catch (err) {
              console.error('Could not play: ' + err)

        const publish = async () => {
          try {
            // Once publishing, call subscribe!
            rtcPublisher.on(red5prosdk.PublisherEventTypes.PUBLISH_START, subscribe)
            await rtcPublisher.init({
              endpoint: `https://${host}/as/v1/proxy/whip/live/${streamName}`,
              connectionParams: {
            await rtcPublisher.publish()
          } catch(err) {
            console.error('Could not publish: ' + err)

          // Start Publisher first ->



The Red5 Pro WebRTC SDK is intended to communicate with a Red5 Pro Server, which allows for broadcasting and consuming live streams utilizing WebRTC and other protocols, including RTMP and HLS.

As such, you will need a distribution of the Red5 Pro Server running locally or accessible from the web, such as Amazon Web Services.

Click here to start using the Red5 Pro Server today!


This section describes using the Red5 Pro WebRTC SDK browser install to create sessions for a Publisher and a Subscriber.


Please refer to the WHIP/WHEP Readme for information about utilizing WHIP/WHEP clients for publishing and subscribing, respectively.


Please refer to the Publisher Readme for information about setting up a broadcast session.


Please refer to the Subscriber Readme for information about setting up a subscriber session.


Please refer to the Contributing Documentation to learn more about contributing to the development of the Red5 Pro WebRTC SDK.