Red5 Pro is a real-time video streaming server plaform known for its low-latency streaming capabilities, making it ideal for interactive applications like online gaming, streaming events and video conferencing etc.
This a reusable Terraform installer module for Red5 Pro that provisions infrastucture over Google Cloud(Gcloud).
Visit the Terraform download page and ensure you get version 1.7.5 or higher.
Download the suitable version for your operating system.
Extract the compressed file and copy the Terraform binary to a location within your system's PATH.
Configure PATH for Linux/macOS:
Open a terminal and type the following command:
sudo mv /path/to/terraform /usr/local/bin
Configure PATH for Windows:
- Click 'Start', search for 'Control Panel', and open it.
- Navigate to
System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables
. - Under System variables, find 'PATH' and click 'Edit'.
- Click 'New' and paste the directory location where you extracted the terraform.exe file.
- Confirm changes by clicking 'OK' and close all open windows.
- Open a new terminal and verify that Terraform has been successfully installed.
terraform --version
- Install jq (Linux or Mac OS only) Download
- Linux:
apt install jq
- MacOS:
brew install jq
It is used in bash scripts to create/delete Stream Manager node group using API
- Linux:
- Download Red5 Pro server build in your Red5 Pro Account. Example:
- Get Red5 Pro License key in your Red5 Pro Account. Example:
Create a service account for the Terraform module. The service account must have permission to create and manage the following resources:
- Identity and Access Management Rights
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Compute Engine Instances
- Instance Templates
- Autoscaling Configurations
- Load Balancers
- SSL Certificates
- Identity and Access Management Rights
Obtain the necessary credentials and information:
- Service Account with appropriate roles (e.g.,
or custom roles with the above permissions) - Generate and download a JSON key file for the service account
- Project ID
- Region
- Zone
- Service Account with appropriate roles (e.g.,
- standalone - Single instance with installed and configured Red5 Pro server
- cluster - Stream Manager cluster (Stream Manager instance + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instance)
- autoscale - Autoscale Stream Managers (Load Balancer + Autoscaling Stream Managers + Kafka Service + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instance)
Standalone Red5 Pro server deployment (Standalone) - Example
In the following example, Terraform module will automates the infrastructure provisioning of the Red5 Pro standalone server.
- Public Subnet
- Cloud Router
- Firewall for Standalone Red5 Pro Server
- SSH Key Pair (use existing or create a new one)
- Standalone Red5 Pro Server Instance
- SSL Certificate for Standalone Red5 Pro Server Instance. Options:
: Red5 Pro server without HTTPS and SSL certificate. Only HTTP on port5080
: Red5 Pro server with HTTPS and SSL certificate obtained by Let's Encrypt. HTTP on port5080
, HTTPS on port443
: Red5 Pro server with HTTPS and imported SSL certificate. HTTP on port5080
, HTTPS on port443
provider "google" {
project = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
module "red5pro" {
source = "red5pro/red5pro/gcp"
google_region = "us-west2" # Google region where resources will create eg: us-west2
google_project_id = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
ubuntu_version = "22.04" # The version of ubuntu which is used to create Instance, it can either be 20.04 or 22.04
type = "standalone" # Deployment type: standalone, cluster, autoscale
name = "red5pro-standalone" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
# SSH key configuration
ssh_key_use_existing = false # Use existing SSH key pair or create a new one. true = use existing, false = create new SSH key pair
ssh_key_public_key_path_existing = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/" # SSH public key path existing in local machine
ssh_key_private_key_path_existing = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # SSH private key path existing in local machine
# VPC configuration
vpc_use_existing = false # true - use existing VPC, false - create new VPC in Google Cloud
vpc_name_existing = "example-vpc-name" # VPC ID for existing VPC
# Firewall configuration
firewall_ssh_allowed_ip_ranges = [""] # List of IP address ranges to provide SSH connection with Red5 Pro instances. Kindly provide your public IP to make SSH connection while running this terraform module
firewall_standalone_network_tags_use_existing = false # true - use existing firewall network tags, false - create new firewall network tags
firewall_standalone_network_tags_existing = ["example-tag-1", "example-tag-2"] # Existing network tags name for firewall configuration
# Red5 Pro general configuration
red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (
# Standalone Red5 Pro server Instance configuration
standalone_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for Red5 Pro server
standalone_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Standalone server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
standalone_disk_size = 16 # Standalone server boot disk size in GB
# Red5Pro server configuration
standalone_red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (
standalone_red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (
standalone_red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (
standalone_red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
standalone_red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (
standalone_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (
standalone_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "" # Round trip authentication server host
standalone_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
standalone_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
standalone_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
standalone_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
standalone_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage enable/disable (
standalone_red5pro_google_storage_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Gogle storage account access key
standalone_red5pro_google_storage_secret_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Gogle storage account secret access key
standalone_red5pro_google_storage_bucket_name = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Gogle storage bucket name
standalone_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - enable/disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (
# Standalone Red5 Pro server HTTPS (SSL) certificate configuration
https_ssl_certificate = "none" # none - do not use HTTPS/SSL certificate, letsencrypt - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, imported - use existing HTTPS/SSL certificate
# # Example of Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name and email
# https_ssl_certificate = "letsencrypt"
# https_ssl_certificate_domain_name = ""
# https_ssl_certificate_email = ""
# # Example of imported HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name, certificate and key paths
# https_ssl_certificate = "imported"
# https_ssl_certificate_domain_name = ""
# https_ssl_certificate_cert_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/CERT/fullchain.pem"
# https_ssl_certificate_key_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/KEY/privkey.pem"
output "module_output" {
value = module.red5pro
Red5 Pro Stream Manager cluster deployment (cluster) - Example
In the following example, Terraform module will automates the infrastructure provisioning of the Stream Manager 2.0 cluster with Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
- Public Subnet
- Cloud Router
- Firewall Rules
- Stream Manager 2.0
- Kafka
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling Nodes
- SSH key pair (use existing or create a new one)
- Standalone Kafka instance
- Autoscaling configuration for Nodegroup instances
- HTTP(S) Load Balancer for Stream Manager 2.0 instances
- SSL Certificate for HTTP(S) Load Balancer:
: Load Balancer without HTTPS and SSL certificate (HTTP on port80
: Stream Manager 2.0 with HTTPS and SSL certificate obtained by Let's Encrypt. HTTP on port80
, HTTPS on port443
: Load Balancer with HTTPS using an imported SSL certificate (HTTP on port80
, HTTPS on port443
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Node instance image (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling Node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
provider "google" {
project = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
module "red5pro" {
source = "red5pro/red5pro/gcp"
google_region = "us-west2" # Google region where resources will create eg: us-west2
google_project_id = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
ubuntu_version = "22.04" # The version of ubuntu which is used to create Instance, it can either be 20.04 or 22.04
type = "cluster" # Deployment type: standalone, cluster, autoscale
name = "red5pro-cluster" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
# SSH key configuration
ssh_key_use_existing = false # Use existing SSH key pair or create a new one. true = use existing, false = create new SSH key pair
ssh_key_public_key_path_existing = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/" # SSH public key path existing in local machine
ssh_key_private_key_path_existing = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # SSH private key path existing in local machine
# VPC configuration
vpc_use_existing = false # true - use existing VPC, false - create new VPC in Google Cloud
vpc_name_existing = "example-vpc-name" # VPC ID for existing VPC
# Firewall configuration
firewall_ssh_allowed_ip_ranges = [""] # List of IP address ranges to provide SSH connection with Red5 Pro instances. Kindly provide your public IP to make SSH connection while running this terraform module
firewall_stream_manager_network_tags_use_existing = false # true - use existing firewall network tags, false - create new firewall network tags
firewall_stream_manager_network_tags_existing = ["example-tag-1", "example-tag-2"] # Existing network tags name for firewall configuration
firewall_kafka_network_tags_use_existing = false # true - use existing firewall network tags, false - create new firewall network tags
firewall_kafka_network_tags_existing = ["example-tag-1", "example-tag-2"] # Existing network tags name for firewall configuration
firewall_nodes_network_tags_use_existing = false # true - use existing firewall network tags, false - create new firewall network tags
firewall_nodes_network_tags_existing = ["example-tag-1", "example-tag-2"] # Existing network tags name for firewall configuration
# Red5 Pro general configuration
red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (
# Kafka Service configuration
kafka_standalone_instance_create = false # true - Create a dedicate kafka service instance, false - install kafka service locally on the stream manager
kafka_standalone_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Kafka service Instance type
kafka_standalone_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Kafka server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
kafka_standalone_disk_size = 24 # Kafka server boot size in GB
# Stream Manager configuration
stream_manager_auth_user = "example_user" # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication user name
stream_manager_auth_password = "example_password" # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication password
stream_manager_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for Red5 Pro stream manager server
stream_manager_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Stream Manager server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
stream_manager_disk_size = 24 # Stream Manager server boot size in GB
stream_manager_reserved_ip_use_existing = false # True - Use already created reserved IP address for stream manager, False - Create a new reserved IP for stream manager
stream_manager_reserved_ip_name_existing = "example-reserved-ip" # Reserved IP name for existing reserved IP address
# Stream Manager 2.0 HTTPS (SSL) certificate configuration
https_ssl_certificate = "none" # none - do not use HTTPS/SSL certificate, letsencrypt - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, imported - use existing HTTPS/SSL certificate
# # Example of Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name and email
# https_ssl_certificate = "letsencrypt"
# https_ssl_certificate_domain_name = ""
# https_ssl_certificate_email = ""
# # Example of imported HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name, certificate and key paths
# https_ssl_certificate = "imported"
# https_ssl_certificate_domain_name = ""
# https_ssl_certificate_cert_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/CERT/fullchain.pem"
# https_ssl_certificate_key_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/KEY/privkey.pem"
# Red5 Pro cluster node image configuration
node_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new node image, false - not create new node image
node_image_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for the Red5 Pro Node server
node_image_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Node server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
node_image_disk_size = 10 # Boot disk size for Node server
# Extra configuration for Red5 Pro autoscaling nodes
# Webhooks configuration - (Optional)
node_config_webhooks = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
webhook_endpoint = ""
# Round trip authentication configuration - (Optional)
node_config_round_trip_auth = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
auth_host = "",
auth_port = 443,
auth_protocol = "https://",
auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials",
auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials"
# Restreamer configuration - (Optional)
node_config_restreamer = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "transcoder"],
restreamer_tsingest = true,
restreamer_ipcam = true,
restreamer_whip = true,
restreamer_srtingest = true
# Social Pusher configuration - (Optional)
node_config_social_pusher = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group
node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
node_group_origins_max = 10 # Number of maximum Origins
node_group_origins_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Origins google instance type
node_group_origins_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Origins
node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
node_group_edges_max = 20 # Number of maximum Edges
node_group_edges_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Edges google instance type
node_group_edges_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Edges
node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_max = 10 # Number of maximum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Transcoders google instance type
node_group_transcoders_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Transcoders
node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
node_group_relays_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Relays google instance type
node_group_relays_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Relays
output "module_output" {
value = module.red5pro
Red5 Pro Stream Manager autoscale deployment (autoscale) - Example
In the following example, Terraform module will automates the infrastructure provisioning of the Autoscale Stream Managers 2.0 with Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
- Public Subnet
- Cloud Router
- Firewall Rules
- Stream Manager 2.0
- Kafka
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling Nodes
- SSH key pair (use existing or create a new one)
- Standalone Kafka instance
- Stream Manager 2.0 instance image
- Instance pool for Stream Manager 2.0 instances
- Autoscaling configuration for Stream Manager 2.0 instances
- HTTP(S) Load Balancer for Stream Manager 2.0 instances
- SSL Certificate for HTTP(S) Load Balancer. Options:
- HTTP(S) Load Balancer without HTTPS and SSL certificate. Only HTTP on port80
- HTTP(S) Load Balancer with HTTPS and an imported SSL certificate in Google Cloud Certificate Manager. HTTP on port80
, HTTPS on port443
- HTTP(S) Load Balancer with HTTPS using an existing SSL certificate in Google Cloud Certificate Manager. HTTP on port80
, HTTPS on port443
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Node instance image (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling Node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relay)
provider "google" {
project = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
module "red5pro" {
source = "red5pro/red5pro/gcp"
google_region = "us-west2" # Google region where resources will create eg: us-west2
google_project_id = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
ubuntu_version = "22.04" # The version of ubuntu which is used to create Instance, it can either be 20.04 or 22.04
type = "autoscale" # Deployment type: standalone, cluster, autoscale
name = "red5pro-autoscale" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
# SSH key configuration
ssh_key_use_existing = false # Use existing SSH key pair or create a new one. true = use existing, false = create new SSH key pair
ssh_key_public_key_path_existing = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/" # SSH public key path existing in local machine
ssh_key_private_key_path_existing = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # SSH private key path existing in local machine
# VPC configuration
vpc_use_existing = false # true - use existing VPC, false - create new VPC in Google Cloud
vpc_name_existing = "example-vpc-name" # VPC ID for existing VPC
# Firewall configuration
firewall_ssh_allowed_ip_ranges = [""] # List of IP address ranges to provide SSH connection with Red5 Pro instances. Kindly provide your public IP to make SSH connection while running this terraform module
firewall_stream_manager_network_tags_use_existing = false # true - use existing firewall network tags, false - create new firewall network tags
firewall_stream_manager_network_tags_existing = ["example-tag-1", "example-tag-2"] # Existing network tags name for firewall configuration
firewall_kafka_network_tags_use_existing = false # true - use existing firewall network tags, false - create new firewall network tags
firewall_kafka_network_tags_existing = ["example-tag-1", "example-tag-2"] # Existing network tags name for firewall configuration
firewall_nodes_network_tags_use_existing = false # true - use existing firewall network tags, false - create new firewall network tags
firewall_nodes_network_tags_existing = ["example-tag-1", "example-tag-2"] # Existing network tags name for firewall configuration
# Red5 Pro general configuration
red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (
# Kafka Service configuration
kafka_standalone_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Kafka service Instance type
kafka_standalone_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Kafka server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
kafka_standalone_disk_size = 24 # Kafka server boot size in GB
# Stream Manager configuration
stream_manager_auth_user = "example_user" # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication user name
stream_manager_auth_password = "example_password" # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication password
stream_manager_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for Red5 Pro stream manager server
stream_manager_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Stream Manager server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
stream_manager_disk_size = 24 # Stream Manager server boot size in GB
stream_manager_autoscaling_min_replicas = 1 # Minimum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
stream_manager_autoscaling_max_replicas = 2 # Maximum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
# Load Balancer Configuration
lb_global_reserved_ip_use_existing = false # True - Use already created reserved IP address for Load Balancer, False - Create a new reserved IP for Load Balancer
lb_global_reserved_ip_name_existing = "example-reserved-ip" # If `lb_global_reserved_ip_use_existing` - True, Use the already created Load balancer IP address name
# Stream Manager 2.0 Load Balancer HTTPS (SSL) certificate configuration
https_ssl_certificate = "none" # none - do not use HTTPS/SSL certificate, imported - import existing HTTPS/SSL certificate, existing - use existing HTTPS/SSL certificate in GCP
# Example of imported HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name, certificate and key paths
# https_ssl_certificate = "imported" # Improt local HTTPS/SSL certificate to AWS ACM
# https_ssl_certificate_name = "example-certificate-name" # Name of the HTTPS/SSL certificate
# https_ssl_certificate_cert_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/CERT/fullchain.pem"
# https_ssl_certificate_key_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/KEY/privkey.pem"
# Example of existing HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name
# https_ssl_certificate = "existing" # Use existing HTTPS/SSL certificate in GCP
# https_ssl_certificate_name = "example-certificate-name" # Replace with your domain name
# Red5 Pro cluster node image configuration
node_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new node image, false - not create new node image
node_image_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for the Red5 Pro Node server
node_image_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Node server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
node_image_disk_size = 10 # Boot disk size for Node server
# Extra configuration for Red5 Pro autoscaling nodes
# Webhooks configuration - (Optional)
node_config_webhooks = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
webhook_endpoint = ""
# Round trip authentication configuration - (Optional)
node_config_round_trip_auth = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
auth_host = "",
auth_port = 443,
auth_protocol = "https://",
auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials",
auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials"
# Restreamer configuration - (Optional)
node_config_restreamer = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "transcoder"],
restreamer_tsingest = true,
restreamer_ipcam = true,
restreamer_whip = true,
restreamer_srtingest = true
# Social Pusher configuration - (Optional)
node_config_social_pusher = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group
node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
node_group_origins_max = 10 # Number of maximum Origins
node_group_origins_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Origins google instance type
node_group_origins_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Origins
node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
node_group_edges_max = 20 # Number of maximum Edges
node_group_edges_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Edges google instance type
node_group_edges_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Edges
node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_max = 10 # Number of maximum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Transcoders google instance type
node_group_transcoders_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Transcoders
node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
node_group_relays_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Relays google instance type
node_group_relays_disk_size = 16 # Volume size for Relays
output "module_output" {
value = module.red5pro
- WebRTC broadcast does not work in WEB browsers without an HTTPS (SSL) certificate.
- To activate HTTPS/SSL, you need to add a DNS A record for the Public/Reserved IP address of your Red5 Pro server or Stream Manager 2.0.