fillForm / clearForm custom snippets
It is now possible to add code directly to the automatically generated fillForm and clearForm method.
Previously you could already use custom snippets to create new custom functions.
Now you can use the custom snippets to extend fillForm and clearForm with basically the same syntax as before.
As an example: So far fillForm only contained the functionality to fill simple input fields.
You could now add the functionality to also click on a radio button via the custom snippets. -
New documentation for the fillForm and clearForm custom snippets was added. -
History when generating page objects
So far, when generating page objects, every previous action to append new code to the page object was repeated when appending something new to the page object.
Sometimes it happened that you are at a certain state and hvstr repeats the previous actions just to arrive at the same state again.
Now hvstr recognizes wether it has to repeat the actions or if it is unecessary and it will just bring you to the same state again.
In the latter case it won't repeat the actions and just keep the current state. -
You can now give hvstr a logger which will log every step hvstr is working on right now to the console.
There are success, warning and error messages which will help you to debug your code to create page objects.