This component is no longer maintained.
For the AG Grid wrapping maintained by the Reflex team, please use https://enterprise.reflex.dev/ag-grid from now on.
This package provides a Reflex component wrapping the AGGrid library.
As it is a WorkInProgress (WIP), only some parts of the AGGrid library features are wrapped, but it should be enough for most use cases.
pip install reflex-ag-grid
from reflex_ag_grid import ag_grid
Some implementation is offered for DataSource and handlers.
from reflex_ag_grid.data_source import DataSource
from reflex_ag_grid import handlers
import reflex as rx
from reflex_ag_grid import ag_grid
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(
column_defs = [
def ag_grid_simple():
return ag_grid(
Check out more documentation at Reflex.
The AGGrid feature I want is not available. What can I do?
This component is a partial wrapping of all the features of AGGrid. If you need a feature that is not available, open an issue to request it. We will try to implement it when possible.
If you can't wait for the team to implement it, you can also submit a PR with the feature you need.