codes related to the apnea detection project
Steps for FFT analysis
- Run loadsave_Data
- Run save_FFTfeatures
- Run mean_freq_pk_phasediff to generate boxplots that compare the FFT features across breathing types
Steps for Decision Tree Model Generation and Evaluation
- Run generate eseq to save expected eseqs for each trial type
- Run loadsave_Data
- Run save metrics
- Run machine learning to save T1, Table_Train, and Table_Test
- Run oobPredictorImportance, use T1 and save label_tables **only for tree models
- Create Models 6a) Run Multiple Models- to get an idea of parameter values 6b) or generate a model with any classifier function or the Classification Learner app
- Run Prediction_eseq to test model on trials not included in the training set ("026", "027", "028","030", "031", "032")
- Run PredictingMovementTrials to test the model on NB trials that contain movement ("029", "033")
- Run PredictingBlindTrials to test model on unknown trials ("014", "015", "016")
Steps for PCA Model Generation and Evaluation:
- Run generate eseq to save expected eseqs for each trial type
- Run loadsave_Data
- Run save metrics
- Run machine learning to save T1, Table_Train, and Table_Test
- Run pca_analysis with Table_Train dataset (or another training dataset)
- Create models using Classification Learner app or other method
- Run Prediction_eseq to test model on trials not included in the training set ("026", "027", "028","030", "031", "032")
- Run pca_blindtrials to test model performance on unknown trials ("014", "015", "016")