The included Vagrantfile and scripts will build, configure and start a working Hyrax either locally in Vagrant or (if configured) in AWS.
Before running either the local vagrant or aws provisioning:
- create a local directory hyrax/fits and download the version of fits specified at the top of
(currently - create a local directory hyrax/extras - put any extra files or configurations that you want to use in this folder
cd hyrax
vagrant up
Hyrax: https://localhost
Fedora: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo
Solr: http://localhost:8983/solr
Install the vagrant env plugin
vagrant plugin install vagrant-env
Create a file called .env
containing the following
AWS_SECURITY_GROUPS="SECURITY_GROUP_IDS" # (space separated, eg. sg-1234 sg-5678)
AWS_INSTANCE="AWS INSTANCE" # (eg. m4.large)
cd hyrax
vagrant up --provider aws
We need to set the IP of the server in the apache config and .rbenv-vars This is done using an elastic IP and the AWS_IP environment variable above - the elastic IP needs to be created in AWS.
User centos
is automatically created and used for ssh.
User hyrax
runs the hyrax application. Run any hyrax commands with this users, eg. rails db:migrate
- Hyrax application: /var/lib/hyrax
- Hyrax, sidekiq and puma logs: /var/log/hyrax
sudo service puma stop|start|restart
sudo service sidekiq stop|start|restart