- go to https://github.com/research-technologies/research-technologies.github.io
- make sure you are logged in and have edit rights for the reposoitory
- go to the _posts folder
- Click 'Create new file', the filename must begin with the date in the form
(this is the date posted, it doesn't have to be today) and must end with.markdown
. Keep the title short and sweet, separate words with dashes, eg.2018-06-20-ref2020-plugin.markdown
The file must have a header section like so:
layout: post
title: "EPrints – New REF2021 Plugin"
date: 2018-06-20 12:45:00 +0100
categories: eprints plugins
The date must be the same date as used in the filename. You can add any categories. Use a 'general' category for the first, and a more specific one for the second (optional). The second will be nested within the first.
- eprints plugins - will create eprints/plugins folders
- samvera
- digital-preservation
- repositories
The post text is written in markdown. This markdown cheatsheet is helpful.
Common syntax:
**bold text**
*italicized text*
Numbered List:
1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
Bullet List:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
If in doubt, got to an existing post, click 'edit' and see how it's done (but don't change it!).
Upload any files (eg. conference presentations etc.) into assets/docs
using the 'upload files' option.
Link within the post like so:
[Finding your way to a digital solution: identifying paths and option](https://research-technologies.github.io/assets/docs/HullCityofCultureWorkshop.pdf)
Upload images into assets/images
NB: Don't use spaces in filenames
- Add a brief commit title, eg. 'new post on eprints ref plugin'
- Optionally add a longer description (not usually needed for posts)
- Click 'Commit new file'
To edit an existing post, click on the pencil icon in the top right. Make your changes and commit as normal.
To remove a post, click on the trash can icon in the top right. Commit as normal. The post will be archived in the commit history.
(it might take a few minutes to appear)