This library is borrowed from revIgniter's encryption library
and includes all features as described in the revIgniter User Guide
(please see chapter Encryption Library). It is meant to be used with
desktop and mobile apps.
LiveCode version 9 or higher
Place the library in the message path like:
start using stack "path/to/encryptLib.livecodescript"
Note: Setting your key is different to the server version of this library, use:
rigSetEncryptionKey <key>
rigSetEncryptionKey "mySuperSecretKey"
please refer to the chapter Encryption Library in the
revIgniter User Guide.
please refer to the chapter Encryption Library in the
revIgniter User Guide.
hash type: "SHA-1"
cipher: "bf"
cipher key length: 128
In contrast to the server version this library includes a getter:
This function returns the values of an array variable
provided that a valid key name is used as parameter.
Array key names (used as parameter) are:
- "encryptionKey"
- "_hashType"
- "cipher"
- "cipherKeyLength"
For the license terms see the LICENSE file.
Version: 1.0.0
Web Site:
Author: Ralf Bitter