#Feefo API PHP SDK A framework agnostic library for working with the Feefo API for E-commerce sales reviews.
##Installation This project can be installed via Composer:
$ composer require evoluted/feefo
##Usage Using the Feefo api package is fairly easy. Once you've loaded the library via Composer, you can initialise it as follows, remembering to add your Feefo credentials:
$feefo = new Evoluted\Feefo\Feefo(
'', // Merchant identifier
'' // API Key
Once initialised you are able to retrive the latest reviews with:
You can optionally increase or decrease the number of results from the default of 5 like so:
###Custom Calls You can make custom calls for additional information using the generic get or post request handlers.
Retrieving product ratings:
$feefo->get('10/products/ratings', [
'merchant_identifier' => $feefo->merchantIdentifier,
'review_count' => '10',
'since' => 'year'
Adding Sales:
$sale = $feefo->post('entersaleremotely', [
'apikey' => $feefo->apiKey,
'merchantidentifier' => $feefo->merchantIdentifier,
'email' => 'customer@example.com',
'name' => 'John Smith',
'date' => '2016-11-25',
'description' => 'Our Product',
'productsearchcode' => '123456',
'orderref' => 'ORDER123456',
'amount' => '123.45',
'productlink' => 'http://www.example.com/product/123456',
'customerref' => '987654'
For an example of the above implementation, see the included example file.