Releases: riemers/ansible-gitlab-runner
Releases · riemers/ansible-gitlab-runner
What's Changed
- fix: make sure helper package is set by @MartinGodzina in #376
- feat: add fleeting autoscale support closes #372 by @MartinGodzina in #373
Full Changelog: v2.0.9...v2.0.10
What's Changed
- feat: add possiblity to bypass directory verifications by @agarov in #369
- Add possibility to setup disable_strict_host_key_checking [runners.ssh] in registering mode by @didierlesage in #368
- Be able to published ports when gitlab-runner is deployed as a container by @didierlesage in #367
- Runner not created when docker_tlsverify: true under gitlab_runner_runners by @didierlesage in #366
- fix: install gitlab runner helpers only for version >= 17.7.0 by @nicoklaus in #370
- fix: error during (Debian) helpers version tasks by @MartinGodzina in #374
New Contributors
- @agarov made their first contribution in #369
- @didierlesage made their first contribution in #368
- @MartinGodzina made their first contribution in #374
Full Changelog: v2.0.8...v2.0.9
What's Changed
- Add ability to change runner working directory on mac and windows by @jadar in #349
- Remove additional
argument by @sdclarke in #352 - Update list-configured-runners-unix.yml by @krousenick in #355
- Feature: Allow overwriting of 'gitlab_runner_install_directory' by @nicoklaus in #339
- Fix when using the flag --custom_builds_dir-enabled by @krousenick in #357
- fix for gitlab server cert import on linux systems by @krousenick in #358
- Revert "Update list-configured-runners-unix.yml" by @phoermandinger in #362
- fix: install gitlab-runner-helper-packages if version is specified by @nicoklaus in #363
New Contributors
- @jadar made their first contribution in #349
- @sdclarke made their first contribution in #352
- @krousenick made their first contribution in #355
- @phoermandinger made their first contribution in #362
Full Changelog: v2.0.7...v2.0.8
What's Changed
- fix self-signed shell by @Stunkymonkey in #347
- docs: Clarify registration_token requirement by @Vesther in #348
New Contributors
- @Vesther made their first contribution in #348
Full Changelog: v2.0.6...v2.0.7
What's Changed
- unregister: fix name with space by @Stunkymonkey in #341
- macos: remove duplicate
by @Stunkymonkey in #343 - fix linter by @Stunkymonkey in #344
- Windows: Remove become to fix provisioning on Windows by @fkleon in #345
New Contributors
- @Stunkymonkey made their first contribution in #341
Full Changelog: v2.0.5...v2.0.6
What's Changed
- add support for 'gitlab-runner register --docker-allowed-pull-policies' by @IQNeoXen in #333
- add config section feature_flags by @BenjaminBoehm in #334
- Fix registering runner when docker_tlsverify is set by @elcomtik in #336
- Add runner registration with runner auth token by @Sungurik in #337
- Add
to list of configured runners by @tremlin in #340
New Contributors
- @IQNeoXen made their first contribution in #333
- @elcomtik made their first contribution in #336
- @Sungurik made their first contribution in #337
- @tremlin made their first contribution in #340
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.5
Long overdue update on galaxy.
What's Changed
- Fix some linter issues by @guenhter in #286
- Fix Download and update gitlab-runner on MacOS by @mschmieder in #293
- recognize cache options for gcp and azure during register by @philippwiesner in #296
- Run as a user other than gitlab-runner by @coofercat in #297
- Update by @riemers in #304
- fix(install-debian.yml): add task to gather package facts before unholding GitLab Runner version by @Wihrt in #303
- Update WOOHOO by @riemers in #306
- fix: add missing privileges by @gardar in #307
- fix: syntax warnings by @gardar in #308
- fix: run ansible-lint in ci by @gardar in #309
- Fix state.yml by @guenhter in #311
- Add log level by @nvzkupu in #313
- Add support for setting
by @fkleon in #315 - Fixing GitLab Runner Re-Install and missing /usr/bin/test by @mschmieder in #325
- vars: unify and move gitlab_runner_timeout_stop_seconds to defaults by @sdirkwinkel in #326
- add runners.machine and runners.machine.autoscaling support by @JulianMuehmelt in #319
- Add support for docker tmpfs options by @nicoklaus15 in #316
- fix module in windows setup by @jpylypiw in #329
- fix: impossible to change debian package version which is on the apt hold list by @cchaudier in #328
- Update register-runner.yml to use variable for no_log by @mpsOxygen in #330
New Contributors
- @philippwiesner made their first contribution in #296
- @coofercat made their first contribution in #297
- @Wihrt made their first contribution in #303
- @gardar made their first contribution in #307
- @nvzkupu made their first contribution in #313
- @JulianMuehmelt made their first contribution in #319
- @nicoklaus15 made their first contribution in #316
- @jpylypiw made their first contribution in #329
- @cchaudier made their first contribution in #328
- @mpsOxygen made their first contribution in #330
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4
Several small updates
What's Changed
- fix for undefined variables error by @g0rgamesh in #273
- Add network_mode option to registration command by @christ-re in #274
- Remove not longer configured runners by @guenhter in #276
- Fix deploying to Windows machines by @alexdelifer in #280
- Add support for
, replace deprecatedpre_clone_script
by @fkleon in #279 - Add a
option to prevent secret leaks by @loliee in #278 - Add trim to register_runner_cmd by @alexanderfast in #281
- Fix json deserialization problem due to trailing empty line by @guenhter in #285
New Contributors
- @g0rgamesh made their first contribution in #273
- @christ-re made their first contribution in #274
- @alexdelifer made their first contribution in #280
- @fkleon made their first contribution in #279
- @loliee made their first contribution in #278
- @alexanderfast made their first contribution in #281
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3
Decouple scripts from registration command
Decouple scripts from registration command
Small fixes cosmetics etc
Merge pull request #267 from AJDurant/unregister-dir Change directory before unregistering