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RightOn Central Dev Setup

Zach Thomas edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Connect Networking to Central

  1. Checkout the dev branch and run git pull
  2. In Networking src folder make sure there is an aws-exports.js file (if not check to see if one was sent out via slack)
  3. cd into the networking folder
  4. run npm install -g (mac users might need to run sudo npm install -g due to user permissions and root owning it instead of the user) You may see some peer dependency conflicts - in that case run sudo npm install -g --force
  5. run npm install
  6. run npm run build
  7. then npm link
  8. cd out of the networking folder then cd into the web folder
  9. run npm link @righton/networking (if you are facing some dependency issues, run npm link @righton/networking --legacy-peer-deps)
  10. then npm install (if you are facing some dependency issues, run npm install --legacy-peer-deps)
  11. run npm start (this should bring up RightOn Central)

Currently, there is an Amplify AuthError for some people which does not load any of the data from AWS (such as the array of games) however a fix is currently being worked on and will be added to the steps here once identified.


react-refresh module

Screenshot 2022-12-15 at 2 10 41 PM If you are facing an error like the one above, try using this GitHub Issue comment and thread to solve it: Also adding this line into the package.json file may help to solve this if it is not already in there: "resolutions": { "react-refresh": "^0.12.0" }

dependency issues

If you are facing some dependency issues like the one above, try using these Slack threads to solve it:


Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 1 49 07 PM If you are facing an AuthError issue like the one above, try...