Switchfolio is a two-in-one portfolio website that allows users to switch between two portfolios with a button on the top right. This clean, minimalistic website features a great UI/UX design and sleek animations, making it a perfect fit for showcasing personal projects and skills.
- Two-in-One Portfolio: Switch between two portfolios with a button in the top-right corner.
- Info Card: Showcases basic information about the user.
- About Me: A brief introduction about yourself.
- Hire Me: A section where users can inquire about hiring you.
- Experiences: Will be added in the future to display work experiences.
- Skills: Highlight your technical skills.
- Projects: Showcase your projects with details.
- Blogs: Display blog posts or articles.
- Contact/Reach Out: Contact form for potential clients or collaborators.
- Footer with Social Media Links: Easy access to your social profiles.
- Next.js: React framework for building fast, scalable web apps.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript for better type safety.
- Motion: For smooth and sleek animations.