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Dr. Robert Bauer | Fishery Biologist & Data Scientist
Visualizing data is a crucial step in analyzing and exploring data. During the last two decades the statistical programming language R has become a major tool for data analyses and visualization across different fields of science. However, creating figures ready for scientific publication can be a tricky and time consuming task. The oceanmap package provides some helpful functions to facilitate and optimize the visualization of geographic and oceanographic data, such as satellite and bathymetric data sets.
plotmap(), ggplotmap() and ggplotmaply() to plot (interactive) land masks
get.bathy() to download bathymetric data from the NOAA ETOPO1 database
set.colorbar() to define the colorbar (position, ticks, colormap) in base-plots (like plotmap)
v(), an optimized base-plot tool for creating image or contour plots from different data formats (matrix, array, raster, netcdf, binary)
figure(), to facilitate resizing and saving of figures in diverse formats (jpeg, png, eps, pdf and eps)
cmap, a data set with several colormaps for oceanographic data
These functions were written in a way that they do not require a large amount of their numerous arguments to be specified but still return nice plots that are ready for publication.
You can find here an extensive free online tutorial that covers the different functionalities of the package. Please note that the current tutorial does not include a description of the new ggplotmap() and ggplotmaply() functions.
This package was developed during my PhD thesis at the IFREMER and a Postdoc at IRD, which are both part of the MARBEC lab. A ggplot-version of plotmap has been added since.
- RchivalTag - A R-Package to analyze and vizualize archival tagging data.
- plotly - An open source library for interactive figures.
- dygraphs - A R interface to the interactive dygraphs JavaScript charting library.
- leaflet - A JavaScript-based map widget that can be rendered on HTML pages generated from R Markdown, Shiny, or other applications.
- RchivalTag - A R-Package to map oceanographic data.
- marine biologging - An online campaign for electronic tagging studies
- Bauer, R. (2017) oceanmap: Mapping oceanographic data. R-package tutorial v.0.0.4, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10079.59041
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