This pipeline processes basecalled reads generated by Dorado, with DNA modification basecalling required. It extracts methylated positions along a reference genome and identifies specific motifs using Modkit.
Schematic overview of the pipeline:
- Basecalled reads: Outputs from Dorado in BAM file format, which include basecalled DNA modifications. See Basecalling with Dorado for details.
- Reference file: A reference genome or sequence against which the reads will be aligned. The assembly obtained from the BAM files is recommended (e.g., by de novo assembly with flye).
- Motif analysis with Modkit: Identified motifs based on DNA modifications using Modkit.
- Statistical analysis: Summary statistics of the methylation status for each contig in the reference genome.
- List of methylated positions: A list of methylated positions relative to the reference genome, including only those with a confidence level above a custom threshold.
- BedGraph files for IGV visualization BedGraph files produced by Modkit and custom refined BedGraph files are provided, displaying methylation confidence for each base. These files can be loaded into IGV for visualization as annotation tracks.
You need to install Nextflow to run the pipeline. We recommend installing Nextflow using curl
curl -s | bash
However, if this does not work for you, you can also install Nextflow via conda or mamba.
To avoid installing all necessary tool dependencies manually, we recommend using Docker or Singularity. Nextflow will then handle all your dependencies using the Docker or Singularity profile (see below). Alternatively, pre-configured conda environments are also available in the pipeline (see Running with Containers for details on how to use containers).
Your Nanopore data needs to be basecalled in a methylation-aware way to be usable as input for the pipeline. Dorado is the official open-source basecaller for Oxford Nanopore reads. To basecall pod5 files, it is strongly recommended to use the v5 models in super high accuracy mode (SUP), as these include detection for 6mA, 5mC, and 4mC modifications.
The following command will download the most recent models with super accuracy mode, using the methylation models for 6mA, 4mC and 5mC as well, and run Dorado.
dorado basecaller sup,6mA,4mC_5mC <pod5_folder_path> > results.bam
Alternatively, you can download specific models individually. In this case, you would need to download the basecalling model and the methylation models separately, then modify the Dorado command accordingly:
dorado download --model dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v5.0.0
dorado download --model dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v5.0.0_6mA@v1
dorado download --model dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v5.0.0_4mC_5mC@v1
Once the models are downloaded, you can run Dorado using the command below, specifying the basecalling model and adding the methylation models for modified bases:
dorado basecaller dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v5.0.0 <pod5_folder_path> --modified-bases-models dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v5.0.0_6mA@v1,dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v5.0.0_4mC_5mC@v1 > results.bam
Another option is to basecall with Dorado in duplex mode, which has recently been updated to support modification detection.
dorado duplex sup,6mA,4mC_5mC <pod5_folder_path> > results.bam
The dx
tag in the BAM record allows you to distinguish between simplex and duplex reads. You can use this tag to filter out redundant reads if necessary.
However, it is not yet clear if duplex basecalling offers significant benefits for downstream analysis, as modification calls are still made on only one DNA strand.
To install the pipeline, simply use Nextflow:
nextflow pull valegale/ONT_methylation
# check available release versions and branches:
nextflow info valegale/ONT_methylation
# show the help message for a certain pipeline release version:
nextflow run valegale/ONT_methylation -r 0.0.1 --help
# update the pipeline simply via pulling the code again:
nextflow pull valegale/ONT_methylation
Check to use the latest pipeline release version. To have reproducible results, use the same version.
You can also git clone
this repository and run the pipeline via nextflow run
- but we do not recommend this.
To run the pipeline with a single reference and BAM file, use the following command (adjust the -r
version as necessary):
nextflow run valegale/ONT_methylation -r 0.0.1 --fasta sample_test.fasta --bam sample_test.bam
- fasta specifies the reference genome file in FASTA format.
- bam specifies the basecalled BAM file output from Dorado (see above).
If you have multiple references and BAM files, you can provide them using wildcard patterns (*
). For example:
nextflow run valegale/ONT_methylation -r 0.0.1 --fasta '*.fasta' --bam '*.bam'
Don't forget the single ticks '...'
In this case, ensure that the base names of the FASTA and BAM files match exactly. This matching allows the pipeline to correctly associate each reference with its corresponding BAM file.
For complex cases with numerous references and BAM files, you can also use the --list
parameter to specify CSV files as input instead of the direct paths to the files. This approach offers flexibility by allowing each reference and BAM file pair to be listed explicitly.
For example:
nextflow run valegale/ONT_methylation -r 0.0.1 --list --fasta references.csv --bam mappings.csv
The references.csv
file should contain the sample name and path to each reference FASTA file:
The mappings.csv
file should list the sample name (matching the references.csv
) and path to each BAM file:
To run the pipeline using Docker, use the following command:
nextflow run valegale/ONT_methylation -r 0.0.1 --fasta sample_test.fasta --bam sample_test.bam -profile docker
To run the pipeline with SLURM and conda, use this command:
nextflow run nextflow pull valegale/ONT_methylation --fasta sample_test.fasta --bam sample_test.bam -profile slurm,conda
To run the pipeline with SLURM and Singularity, use this command:
nextflow run nextflow pull valegale/ONT_methylation --fasta sample_test.fasta --bam sample_test.bam -profile slurm,singularity
The results include a table generated by Modkit, named modkit_motifs_tsv
, which summarizes the detected motifs. It is recommended to compare the detected motifs and their frequencies to determine if the same motif is modified for multiple modifications (also check the reverse complement of the motifs). Note that the code "21839" corresponds to the 4mC modification.
Important: Modkit applies a confidence threshold to filter modified positions. Only bases with a methylation confidence value above this threshold will be considered methylated. You can adjust this value using the --filter_threshold_modkit
parameter (see also the --help
). The default is set to 0.75, as values lower than this tend to produce a high number of false positives, while higher values may be overly stringent.
The intermediate output file, modkit_pileup_output.bed
, is a tab-separated file that summarizes all reference positions along with their aggregated results from individual reads. This file serves as input for the next steps in the analysis.
Methylation statistics are stored in the methylation_statistics
folder. Separate tables are created for each modification, with the percentage of methylation calculated by dividing the number of methylated bases (those exceeding the Modkit threshold) by the total number of relevant bases (A for 6mA, C for 4mC and 5mC).
To extract the list of likely methylated positions, the output from Modkit (modkit_pileup_output.bed
) must undergo filtering and refining (see How Percent modified is computed for more information). The tables containing these lists are located in the modification_tables
Only positions with coverage greater than 10 and a methylation confidence above a specified threshold are included (default = 0.5). This threshold can be adjusted using the parameter --percent_cutoff_modification_table
The BedGraph files generated directly from Modkit can be found in the bedgraphs
folder, while the preprocessed BedGraph files, which reflect the same values as in the modification_tables
, are located in the bedgraphs_customized
Modkit pileup aggregates the information from all reads for all positions of the reference genome and computes a value called "fraction modified," which represents the percentage of reads with a methylated base for each position. This calculation considers only the reads where the base has passed the confidence threshold; thus, if a position has a high number of reads with bases that didn't meet this threshold, those reads are excluded from the count.
In Modkit (check Description of bedMethyl output), "fraction modified" is defined as Nmod / Nvalid_cov. In our analysis, we introduce a new metric called "percent modified," computed as: Nmod / (Nvalid_cov + Nfail + Ndiff). This approach helps to prevent positions with only a few valid reads from being incorrectly classified as modified. See Description of bedMethyl output for details regarding the before mentioned variables and their definition.
MicrobeMod is a popular tool for motif annotation and identification. We recommend comparing the results from Modkit (generated using our pipeline) with those obtained from MicrobeMod for a comprehensive analysis.
MicrobeMod requires the user to align the BAM files generated by Dorado to the reference genome. Since the read extraction from the basecalled BAM format and the alignment to a reference FASTA are the first steps in our pipeline, you can directly run MicrobeMod using the intermediate file methylation_mapped.bam
as follows:
MicrobeMod call_methylation -b <path_to_the_results_folder>/methylation_mapped.bam -r genome_reference.fasta