The Weather App is a responsive web application designed to provide real-time weather updates for any location. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it features an interactive interface that displays weather details such as temperature, weather conditions, humidity, and wind speed.
Search by Location: Enter a location to retrieve current weather details instantly.
Real-Time Weather Data: Fetch live weather information including temperature, weather condition, humidity, and wind speed.
Dynamic Icons: Visual representation of weather conditions with engaging icons.
Responsive Design: Fully optimized for various devices and screen sizes.
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript API Integration: OpenWeatherMap API for fetching real-time weather data Styling: Custom CSS for clean and modern design
Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine.
Web Browser: Any modern browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
Code Editor (optional): VS Code or any preferred editor.
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project folder: cd weather-app
Open the project in your preferred editor or directly open the index.html file in a web browser.
Launch the application by opening index.html in a web browser.
Enter a location in the search bar to view the current weather details.
- Type the name of a location into the input box.
- Click the Search icon to fetch the current weather data.
- View detailed weather information including:
Weather condition
Wind speed
Manually test the app by entering various locations and verifying the weather data displayed matches the live data from the OpenWeatherMap API.
Rajeev Kumar - Initial work -
Thanks to the creators of the OpenWeatherMap API for providing real-time weather data.
Inspiration from modern weather applications.