Sorting Visualiser demonstrates how various sorting algorithms work by displaying animated bars.
- Generate New Array: Create a new array with random values.
- Adjustable Array Size: Control the size of the array using a slider.
- Adjustable Sorting Speed: Control the sorting speed using a slider.
- Choose Sorting Algorithm: Select from a variety of sorting algorithms:
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Heap Sort
- Radix Sort
- Shell Sort
- Real-time Visualization: See how the chosen sorting algorithm processes the array.
: The main HTML structure of the application.styles.css
: Contains all styles and layout for the project.script.js
: Implements sorting algorithms and visualization logic.
- The user generates an array using the "Generate New Array" button.
- The array is displayed as bars with heights corresponding to their values.
- The user selects a sorting algorithm from the dropdown menu and clicks "Sort".
- The chosen sorting algorithm animates the sorting process, changing the colors of bars to indicate comparisons and swaps.