A docker image that runs a yum mirror of the repos necessary for HDP
Deploy the image with a command like the following
docker run --name local-hdp-mirror -p 80:80 -d -e FQDN=hdpmirror.example.com -v /tmp/hdpmirrors:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/mirrors rmelick/hdp-yum-mirror-docker:latest
This will store all the downloaded mirrors files into /tmp/hdpmirrors so that they are easily accessible after restarting the yum container
Once the container is running, you can download distributions using the isntall-new-mirrors command. The three arguments are HDP version, HDP-Utils version, and Ambari version
After deploying the image, add the repository to your local yums by using
yum-config-manager --add-repo http://hdpmirror.example.com/hdp-clones.repo
You can check that the mirror has been added correctly by running
yum repolist