I've moved on to other projects so this page is archived but will stay up for research and reference purposes.
Shows when your hero is visible to the enemy team in any way at all
When box is red the enemy team has vision of your hero and green if they don't. Lets you know if you are under a ward or an invisible hero sees you..etc makes rotating/farming/initiating/dewarding all much easier. It's basically like having slark ultimate passive on every hero.
It works in windowed mode only but you can use it in fullscreen if you have dual monitors to show the box on your other screen.
Hold Left Click on box to move it
Double Click the box to close it
You can customize box position, size, colors in settings.txt
Not visible
Fullscreen Support for Dual Monitor
python 3.10.6
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m nuitka --onefile --enable-plugin=tk-inter --windows-disable-console --windows-icon-from-ico=favicon.ico --include-package=pymeow visionBox.pyw
After compiling you can drag "visionBox.exe" and "settings.txt" in another folder and run it there.