• Navigation Menu: Includes links for different page sections, such as Training, Services, Projects and Contact.
• Translation Selection Mode: A select option to the page language in English,Amharic or Afaan Oromoo.
Supports Afaan Oromoo,Amharic,English language
Brief description about me, the technologies I have mastered and what I am studying at the moment.
Animated text produced with css3 using @keyframes.
Icons directing contact information.
Information on academic training, institutions attended, courses completed and certificates obtained.
Cards with a description of two of my services, including back-end development, front-end development, Software testing and interface design (UI).
•Project Gallery:
A presentation of two developed projects, with images, descriptions and links for demonstrations or repositories (such as GitHub), information about each project, including technologies used, objectives, challenges faced and results obtained.
A star rating system, where users can click on the stars to give a rating to our projects.
Contact form, e-mail address, links for social networks and other contact methods.
Used to Static-Form API for or send two forms.
Credits and Author Rights: Information about the author of the page and reserved rights.