This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 24, 2019. It is now read-only.
Compared to v1.0, the following improvements have been made:
- New workflow regarding contributions, introducing
branch and making extensive use of pull requests - Fix database table in ABM (#122)
- Enforce dependency on OpenCV3
- Calibration Kinect to robot with more than one object for better stereo vision
- Improved stereo vision, less flickering due to 3D detection problem
- New icub and yarp packages
- Improved interaction in proactive tagging demo
- Streaming service for object and agent locations, so ABM can make use of it
List of contributors acquired using git shortlog -ens --no-merges v1.0..v1.1
22 Tobias Fischer <> (includes contributions from Maxime Petit)
19 Ugo Pattacini <>
9 gregoire-pointeau <>
1 Sem Dyal <>
1 hjchang <>