Sapo is a C++ tool for the formal analysis of discrete-time polynomial dynamical systems.
The problems treated by Sapo are:
- Reachability computation, i.e., the calculation of the set of states reachable by the system from a set of initial conditions
- Parameter synthesis, i.e., the refinement of a set of parameters so that the system satisfies a given specification. For reachability analysis Sapo produces a flowpipe that over-approximates the set of states reachable by the system from a set of initial conditions.
For parameter synthesis Sapo computes a refinement of the given set of parameters such that the system satisfies a given specification. The specification is formalized as a Signal Temporal Logic (STL) formula.
In both cases, the analysis can be done on bounded time.
###Models The dynamical systems supported by Sapo are discrete-time polynomial dynamical systems, i.e., dynamical systems whose evolutions can be described by difference equations of the form x_{k+1} = f(x_k,p)
Reachability computation can be carried out also on systems without parameters whose dynamics look like x_{k+1} = f(x_k) with f : R^n to R^n polynomial.
###Set representation The flowpipe representing the reachable set consists in a series of sets. The sets supported by Sapo are:
- Boxes (or hyperrectangles), i.e., n-dimensional rectangles
- Parallelotopes, i.e., n-dimensional parallelograms
- Parallelotopes bundles, i.e., finite sets of parallelotopes whose intersections generate polytopes
The parameter synthesis produces a refined set of parameters represented by:
- Polytopes, i.e., n-dimensional polygon
Sapo is implemented in C++. Thus, a C++ compiler is required.
Moreover, Sapo relies on two external libraries:
- GiNaC (GiNaC is Not a CAS), for the symbolic manipulation of polynomials
- GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit), for solving linear programming problems
###Download Sapo is maintained as a GitHub repository at the address
It can be obtained either by typing the shell command:
$ git clone
or by downloading the ZIP archive at
###Installation To install from the source type:
$ make This creates a binary called sapo in /bin
To run Sapo, move to /bin and launch the binary with the command:
$ ./sapo
###Visualization 2D/3D or projections of higher dimensional reachable and parameter sets computed by Sapo can be visualized using the Matlab package plotregion.