Storybook's addon to pilot CSS custom properties (a.k.a CSS variables)
There are some addons for CSS vars in Storybook. Mostly @ljcl/storybook-addon-cssprop. But this plugins: doesn't work well with React or real web components (it injects the CSS vars on the body of the panel, not on the element).
Then this addon should:
- work better with React components, LWC components, etc...
- not persist the configuration
npm install --save-dev --save-exact git+ssh://
module.exports = {
"stories": [
"addons": [
"storybook-addon-css-custom-properties" //👈 Our addon registered here
"framework": "@storybook/react"
export default {
title: 'Example/Button',
component: Button,
parameters: {
cssVars: {
elementQuery: 'button', // Optional: where to find the element?
vars: {
'--button-background-color': { // Css variable name
value: '#1ea7fd', // Value
description: 'Background color of the button', // Optional
category: 'Colors', // Optional
// control: 'text', // Optional
// subcategory: 'Background' // Optional