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Rodrigo Lopes edited this page Feb 10, 2016 · 2 revisions

Find File

Find File or text in file with go language.

Source Find File

  • Find text or file name
  • Version: 1.1.0
  • License: ISC


$ ff -h
Usage of ff:
  -a int
        Range around of the word (default 10)
  -d string
        Text searching (default "./")
  -f string
        Filter by file name
        Disable color output
  -r    Search by this Regex
  -t string
        Text searching
  -u    Use case sensitive (default true)
        Show the version


Without parameters will show everything in subfolders.

$ ff
Path : ./
[File] ./ 
[File] .git 
[File] .git/FETCH_HEAD 
[File] .git/HEAD 

Parameter -f

Parameter -f of file, this parameter you will define the name of file that you should like to filter

$ ff -f css
Path : ./
File : css
[File] lookingFor/resources/css 
[File] lookingFor/resources/css/angular-bootstrap-datepicker.css 
[File] lookingFor/resources/css/bootstrap3.3.2.min.css 
[File] lookingFor/resources/css/font-awesome.css 

Parameter -t

Parameter -t of text, this text that you will search inside of file.

$ ff -t rlopes
Path : ./
Text : rlopes
[File] lookingFor/resources/css/toastr.css 
	[144] .rlopes { lorem i
[File] lookingFor/ 
	[3] omain = ".rlopes.realestat
	[6] = 'http://rlopes.realestat
	[15] = 'http://rlopes.realestat

Parameter -r

With parameter -r as regex will defined that your -t is a regular expression

$ ff -r -t "(rlopes)|(consectetur)"
Path : ./
Regex: (rlopes)|(consectetur)
[File] lookingFor/resources/css/none.txt 
	[1] sit amet, consectetur adipisici
	[4] sit amet, consectetur adipisici
[File] lookingFor/resources/css/toastr.css 
	[144] .rlopes { lorem i
[File] lookingFor/ 
	[3] omain = ".rlopes.realestat
	[6] = 'http://rlopes.realestat
	[15] = 'http://rlopes.realestat

Parameter Combination

you can match both of the parameters as -t and -f to create more complex search

$ ff -t "rlopes" -f ini
Path : ./
File : ini
Text : rlopes
[File] lookingFor/ 
	[3] omain = ".rlopes.realestat
	[6] = 'http://rlopes.realestat
	[15] = 'http://rlopes.realestat

Parameter -d

The -d parameter will active the debug mode, you can see the time of searching (more things coming soon)

$ ff -t "rlopes" -f ini -d
Path : ./
File : ini
Text : rlopes
[File] lookingFor/ 
	[3] omain = ".rlopes.realestat
	[6] = 'http://rlopes.realestat
	[15] = 'http://rlopes.realestat
final Execution took 2.031182ms

Parameter -v

Show the version of application

$ ff -version                                                                                                                                                master  ✭
        This program has written by Rodrigo Lopes <>.
        Only for academic purposes
  Version : 1.1.0
  Language: GO Language
  License : ISC
  Project :
  Contact :

Parameter -h

Show the helper and parameters available

Time Execution

The all tests was made in the same computer

The ff running looking for word rlopes

$ time ff -t rlopes
Path : ./
Text : rlopes
[File] resources/css/toastr.css 
	[144] .rlopes { lorem i
	[3] omain = ".rlopes.realestat
	[6] = 'http://rlopes.realestat
	[15] = 'http://rlopes.realestat
ff -t rlopes 0.00s user 0.01s system 71% cpu 0.018 total

The ack running looking for word rlopes

$ time ack rlopes
144:.rlopes { lorem ipsum }
3:domain = ".rlopes.realestateid.fixe"
6:baseUri        = 'http://rlopes.realestateid.fixe'
15:baseUri        = 'http://rlopes.realestateid.fixe'
ack rlopes  0.11s user 0.01s system 96% cpu 0.128 total

The grep running looking for word rlopes

$ time grep -i -E -r 'rlopes' ./*
./resources/css/toastr.css:.rlopes { lorem ipsum }
./ = ".rlopes.realestateid.fixe"
./        = 'http://rlopes.realestateid.fixe'
./        = 'http://rlopes.realestateid.fixe'
grep --color=auto --exclude-dir={.bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn} -i -E -r 'rlopes' ./  0,30s user 0,00s system 98% cpu 0,308 total

How to Compile it

compile files from different platforms


  • Go

compiling to Linux

$ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -o ff main.go

compiling to MAcOSX

$ env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 go build -o ff main.go

compiling to Windows

$ env GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o ff.exe main.go