Xbox-WebAPI is a python library to authenticate with Xbox Live via your Microsoft Account and provides Xbox related Web-API.
Authentication is supported via OAuth2.
- Register a new application in Azure AD
- Name your app
- Select "Personal Microsoft accounts only" under supported account types
- Add http://localhost/auth/callback as a Redirect URI of type "Web"
- Copy your Application (client) ID for later use
- On the App Page, navigate to "Certificates & secrets"
- Generate a new client secret and save for later use
- Python >= 3.6
- Libraries: aiohttp, appdirs, ms_cv, pydantic, urwid, yarl, ecdsa
pip install xbox-webapi
# Token save location: If tokenfile is not provided via cmdline, fallback
# of <appdirs.user_data_dir>/tokens.json is used as save-location
# Specifically:
# Windows: C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\OpenXbox\\xbox
# Mac OSX: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/xbox/tokens.json
# Linux: /home/<username>/.local/share/xbox
# For more information, see: and module: xbox.webapi.scripts.constants
xbox-authenticate --client-id <client-id> --client-secret <client-secret>
Example: Search Xbox Live via cmdline tool
# Search Xbox One Catalog
xbox-searchlive "Some game title"
API usage
import sys
from xbox.webapi.api.client import XboxLiveClient
from xbox.webapi.authentication.manager import AuthenticationManager
from xbox.webapi.common.exceptions import AuthenticationException
For doing authentication, see xbox/webapi/scripts/
tokens = "/path_to/tokens.json"
async with ClientSession() as session:
auth_mgr = AuthenticationManager(
session, args.client_id, args.client_secret, ""
with open(args.tokens, mode="r") as f:
tokens =
auth_mgr.oauth = OAuth2TokenResponse.parse_raw(tokens)
await auth_mgr.refresh_tokens()
except ClientResponseError:
print("Could not refresh tokens")
with open(args.tokens, mode="w") as f:
xbl_client = XboxLiveClient(auth_mgr)
# Some example API calls
# Get friendslist
friendslist = await xbl_client.people.get_friends_own()
# Get presence status (by list of XUID)
presence = await xbl_client.presence.get_presence_batch(["12344567687845", "453486346235151"])
# Get messages
messages = await xbl_client.message.get_inbox()
# Get profile by GT
profile = await xbl_client.profile.get_profile_by_gamertag("SomeGamertag")
- Report bugs/suggest features
- Add/update docs
- Add additional xbox live endpoints
This package uses parts of Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template. The authentication code is based on joealcorn/xbox
Informations on endpoints gathered from:
Xbox, Xbox One, Smartglass and Xbox Live are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Team OpenXbox is in no way endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft Corporation, or any associated subsidiaries, logos or trademarks.