tunein.com-Addon für Kodi (vormals Plugin für den Plexmediaserver).
Download aktuelle Version: https://github.com/rols1/Kodi-Addon-TuneIn2017/releases (Kodi Matrix) oder kodinerds-Repo (Kodi Krypton, Leia, Kodi Matrix) - siehe INSTALLATION.
Support-Thread: https://www.kodinerds.net/index.php/Thread/66559-RELEASE-Kodi-Addon-TuneIn2017
EMail: rols1@gmx.de
Hinweis für ältere Kodi-Versionen (Leia, Krypton): für die Erstinstallation muss die Krypton-Version auf kodinerds.net verwendet werden. Dies gilt auch für ein Downgrade einer Kodi-Matrix-Version zu Leia, Krypton.
- Download der zip-Datei hier: https://github.com/rols1/Kodi-Addon-TuneIn2017/releases/latest
- Download script.module.kodi-six.zip hier https://github.com/romanvm/kodi.six/releases
- Beide zip-Dateien mittels Kodi-Menü Addons/Addon-Browser installieren
- Addon öffen und Addon-Einstellungen anpassen.
- Empfehlenswert: Kodi Anleitung & Beschreibung von Rene8001
Note for older Kodi versions (Leia, Krypton): for the initial installation the Krypton-Version on kodinerds.net must be used. This also icludes a downgrade of Kodi Matrix version to Leia or Krypton.
- Download zip-file from https://github.com/rols1/Kodi-Addon-TuneIn2017/releases/latest
- Download script.module.kodi-six.zip from https://github.com/romanvm/kodi.six/releases
- install downloaded zip-files with your Kodi-Browser
- start addon and make the appropriate settings
- Add-on manager Kodi wicki, section 5 How to install from a ZIP file, with pictures
This page contains pictures and context-descriptions for the terms:
- Tommy Mikkelsen - Danish
- Przemo - Polish
- Vlad - Ukrainian
- Joyfik - French
- Alessio79 - Italian
- Patrizia - Spanish
Update-Modul integrated.
- Search
- Recording Option with Streamripper: see more
- Favourites and Folders (Tunein-Account required)
- MyRadioStations - without any access to tunein (in combination with option StartWithMyRadioStations). Sample file with more infos comes with plugin in
- Local radio (manually setting, only effective in plugin)
- integrated slideshow
- Credits to [dirble]https://github.com/dirble/streamscrobbler-python: Metadata for some streamservices, esp. Shoutcast
- Credits to [solvek] https://github.com/solvek/TuneIn.bundle): Information for developer
- Credits to [coder-alpha] https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/166602/rel-ccloudtv-channel-iptv/p1): (Channel updater, based on Channel updater by sharkone/BitTorrent.bundle)
- Credits to romanv for his script.module.kodi-six