it describes how to build marshmallow mr2 for the Nexus 5 including kernel-3.4 and provides few patches.
setting up a right version of Android is the key to successful build the android source.
I chose m_mr2 for my Nexus 5 with no paticular reason :) and MOB31E
seems right choice which I can see rigth version information as follows on google groups:
Android version
Build Branch Version Supported devices
MOB31E, android-6.0.1_r66, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantisg)
Kernel version android-6.0.1_r0.124 kernel/msm android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-marshmallow-mr2 Nexus 5 (hammerhead)
Firstly sync the m_mr2 branch marshmallow-mr2-release
repo init -u -b marshmallow-mr2-release
repo sync -j8
and checkout MOB31E, I used reset
repo start m_mr2 --all
repo forall -c 'pwd;git reset --hard android-6.0.1_r66
sync and checkout the branch for Nexus5
git clone kernel-3.4
cd kernel-3.4
git fetch origin android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-marshmallow-mr2
git checkout -b android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-marshmallow-mr2 origin/android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-marshmallow-mr2
and finally reset the commits
git reset --hard android-6.0.1_r0.124
I've attached 3 patches as follows:
for build/device_lge_hammerhead.diff
for /device/lge/hammerheadkernel.diff
for kernel-3.4/ apply them at its directories.
- download all vendor driver files for M
from google at - and unzip and execute them, now you have the all patches under
- finally copy
to android
cp -r vendor <your android root>/vendor
Now you are ready to build, I know you know how to build :)
Thank you Eunjung for your help :)