A Python module for parsing real-time AWS Kinesis Video Streams.
from kvsparser import Parser
for fragment in Parser(media):
print(fragment.__class__, "Frames", len(fragment.images), "Tags", fragment.tags)
- media - The boto3 KinesisVideoMedia get_media response object.
- Iterator[kvsparser.Fragment]
- tags (Dict) SimpleTag elements from ebmlite.MatroskaDocument.
- Number ID of the segmented video fragment.
- Server timestamp of the segmented video fragment.
- Producer timestamp of the segmented video fragment.
- images (List[numpy.ndarray]) Frames from the segmented video fragment as a ndimage.
See the LICENSE file.
This package is licensed under the MIT No Attribution License and is a derivative of "Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Consumer Library For Python" by Dean Colcott, used under MIT-0.