This is the source for my personal website, which can be viewed live here.
This project is packaged using the Poetry dependency management tool. To install it locally, clone the repository and run the following shell command after adding poetry to the PATH and activating a virtual environment.
$ poetry install
Next, you will need to run PostrgeSQL on port 5432 (this is the default). Once it is running, make sure the following environment variables have been set:
: The user name to connect to Postgres locally.ROSEKNOWSBEST_PG_PASS
: The password for this user.
Then, you can apply the migrations by running the following command from the project's root directory:
$ python migrate
The final step is to start the development server and then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
$ python runserver
Run the unit tests for the whole project using the following shell command.
$ python -Wa test --verbosity=2
This site is hosted on Digital Ocean. Opening a pull request branch will deploy proposed changes to a test environment, and once a pull request is approved and merged it will be available deployed to the production website. This site is powered by Django and the database backend is PostgreSQL.