Super Tools is a Laravel package that provides practical functions to make your coding life easier. It includes a variety of tools that can be used in any Laravel project.
1- composer require "roshandelpoor/super-tools"
2- composer dump-autoload
3- add this line in config/app.php -> in part 'providers' => []
To use Super Tools in your project, simply include the autoload file and start using the functions. Here's an example:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Super\Tools;
class TestPackageController extends Controller
public function package () {
$superToolsPackage = new Tools();
echo $superToolsPackage->persianToEnglishNumber('۱۴۰۲');
- persianToEnglishNumber
- englishToPersianNumber
- base64ToImage
- getExtensionFileFromBase64
- checkKeyRedisIsLock
- removeKeyRedisIsLock
- removeCountryNumberPhoneForIran
- set_queryStringRedis
- get_queryStringRedis
- delete_queryStringRedis
- validateNationalCode
- generateRandomToken
- openssl_encrypt_project
- openssl_decrypt_project
- helper_strToHex
- helper_hexToStr
- isMobile
- isShaba
- deviceIsMobile
- dateCheckBetweenTwoDates
- nameDayEnglishToPersian
- generateSecurePassword
- stringSearch
- getIP
- checkCountryIP
- getServerInfo
- getFileInfo
If you find any bugs or have suggestions for new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
Super Tools is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.