Rudimentary reification in Wikidata. This package takes the spargo generic SPARQL handling package I created and wraps Wikibase provenance around it.
report card | wikiprov | spargo |
Where the generic SPARQL results from any service look as follows:
"head": {},
"results": {
"bindings": [{}]
With Wikidata sitting on-top of a Wikibase instance, it allows us to try and retrieve some amount of provenance for the IRIs returned. While not 'pure' linked data as we might like we can make the best of what we've got and return it with our query results anyway. Those results take the form:
"head": {},
"results": {
"bindings": [{}]
"provenance": {}
The Provenance
block comes from the wikiprov package and (per unique QID)
tentatively looks as follows:
"Title": "Q5381415",
"Entity": "",
"Revision": 1343296571,
"Modified": "2021-01-18T05:36:32Z",
"Permalink": "\u0026oldid=1343296571\u0026title=Q5381415",
"History": [
"2021-01-18T05:36:32Z (oldid: 1343296571): 'Lockal' edited: '/* wbcreateclaim-create:1| */ [[Property:P646]]: /m/0fc557'",
"2020-08-04T23:41:27Z (oldid: 1247209137): 'Beet keeper' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-update:2||1 */ [[Property:P4152]]: B297E169'",
"2020-08-04T23:40:10Z (oldid: 1247208427): 'Beet keeper' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-update:2||1 */ [[Property:P4152]]: 325E1010'",
"2020-02-21T14:40:33Z (oldid: 1120067133): 'YULdigitalpreservation' edited: '/* wbsetaliases-add:3|en */ Envoy Document File, Envoy Document, Envoy 1'",
"2020-02-21T14:38:57Z (oldid: 1120066909): 'YULdigitalpreservation' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-create:2||1 */ [[Property:P348]]: 1'"
This enables users to look up a QID and see what last happened to that record from the same SPARQL results source.
It is anticipated wikiprov will be used primarily as a golang package.
A basic example might look as follows:
package main
import (
func main() {
var qid = "Q5381415"
res, err := wikiprov.GetWikidataProvenance(qid, 10)
if err != nil {
The results will look similar to the following:
"Title": "Q5381415",
"Revision": 2036898689,
"Modified": "2023-12-25T21:34:28Z",
"Permalink": "",
"History": [
"2023-12-25T21:34:28Z (oldid: 2036898689): 'Dragomouse' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-create:2||1 */ [[Property:P4839]]: Entity[\"FileFormat\", \"EVY-1\"]'",
"2023-04-13T12:30:22Z (oldid: 1874135847): 'Maqivi' edited: '/* wbsetlabel-add:1|ru */ Envoy'",
"2022-09-20T07:09:09Z (oldid: 1732599165): 'LogainmBot' edited: '/* wbeditentity-update-languages-short:0||ga */ Irish label added'",
"2021-05-18T09:40:10Z (oldid: 1423352886): 'Edoderoobot' edited: '/* wbeditentity-update-languages-short:0||nl */ nl-description, [[User:Edoderoobot/Set-nl-description|python code]] - fileformat'",
"2021-01-18T05:36:32Z (oldid: 1343296571): 'Lockal' edited: '/* wbcreateclaim-create:1| */ [[Property:P646]]: /m/0fc557'",
"2020-08-04T23:41:27Z (oldid: 1247209137): 'Beet keeper' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-update:2||1 */ [[Property:P4152]]: B297E169'",
"2020-08-04T23:40:10Z (oldid: 1247208427): 'Beet keeper' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-update:2||1 */ [[Property:P4152]]: 325E1010'",
"2020-02-21T14:40:33Z (oldid: 1120067133): 'YULdigitalpreservation' edited: '/* wbsetaliases-add:3|en */ Envoy Document File, Envoy Document, Envoy 1'",
"2020-02-21T14:38:57Z (oldid: 1120066909): 'YULdigitalpreservation' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-create:2||1 */ [[Property:P348]]: 1'",
"2020-02-21T14:38:44Z (oldid: 1120066880): 'YULdigitalpreservation' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-create:2||1 */ [[Property:P2748]]: fmt/1286'"
Check out the godoc linked to at the top of this README for more info.
Wikiprov can also be used on the command line through its partner app spargo
cat examples/001-default-wikidata.sparql | ./spargo
Given a correctly formatted shebang, e.g.
You can write SPARQL into a text file and it can be run from the command line as if it is an executable like any other on Linux. The output will be piped to stdout.
E.g. a script called 001-default-wikidata.sparql
might look as follows:
# Default query example on Wikidata:
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q146.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
limit 1
And its output, ./001-default-wikidata.sparql
"head": {
"vars": [
"results": {
"bindings": [
"item": {
"type": "uri",
"value": ""
"itemLabel": {
"xml:lang": "en",
"type": "literal",
"value": "CC"
"provenance": [
"Title": "Q378619",
"Entity": "",
"Revision": 2252118087,
"Modified": "2024-09-23T16:58:53Z",
"Permalink": "",
"History": [
"2024-09-23T16:58:53Z (oldid: 2252118087): 'Skouratov' edited: '/* undo:0||2235229659| */'",
"2024-08-24T18:50:49Z (oldid: 2235229659): '' edited: '/* wbsetclaim-create:2||1 */ [[Property:P31]]: [[Q5]]'",
"2024-07-09T16:58:39Z (oldid: 2199528978): 'Marek Mazurkiewicz' edited: '/* wbsetdescription-add:1|eo */ kato'",
"2024-07-09T16:58:38Z (oldid: 2199528968): 'Marek Mazurkiewicz' edited: '/* wbsetlabel-add:1|eo */ CC'",
"2024-04-22T15:54:53Z (oldid: 2134899800): 'MatSuBot' edited: '/* wbeditentity-update-languages-short:0||tw */ add missing labels'"
If the script is called query.sparql
and has been given executable
permissions chmod +X query.sparql
, it can be run using:
The output format is json
and so can be interpreted using tools such as
Two structures are compatible with spargo
depending on whether you'd like to
return provenance.
A basic structure needs to list the following:
- wikidata query service endpoint,
- wikibase url,
- history length,
- parameter to return history for, e.g. which ?subject, ?predicate, or '?object`.
# Comment
{sparql query}
NB. Examples can be found in cmd.
Without provenance you merely need the wikidata query service endpoint.
# Comment
{sparql query}
NB. Examples can be found in cmd.
I have flip-flopped with the error handling and currently try to be as flexible as possible. If there are some errors retrieving provenance then the provenance structure is still returned and gaps need to be identified upstream. Callers are also able to request no-provenance which will of course render an empty structure. As an experimental library it makes sense to be flexible while the concept is proven.
Please leave an issue you have questions or want to develop this library further.
Apache License 2.0. More info here.