A basic gulp dev environment which:
- Spins up a web server using gulp-connect.
- Watches, compiles and minifies(optional) SCSS to CSS with source-maps(optional).
- Watches, merges and minifies(optional) JavaScript.
- Reloads the browser automatically whenever a file is saved.
Requires node.js & npm.
Open a terminal in your project directory and install the gulp packages:
npm install
Add this host entry to your system (i.e. /etc/hosts): gulp-sandbox.local
Start running gulp in the terminal from your project directory.
sudo gulp
a. you can run in production mode which will minify & merge CSS & JS assets, and remove source maps:
sudo NODE_ENV=prod gulp
b. run with livereload enabled to automatically reload the browser whenever a JS or SCSS file is saved:
sudo NODE_RELOAD=true gulp
Open http://gulp-sandbox.local, http://localhost or in your browser.
To stop the gulp processes running press ctrl c.