Compising Dev Repo for siralim-ultimate-api & siralim-ultimate-ui
Docker Compose
$ commands/dev-bootstrap
This will pull all services from their repos, bootstrap all their data, and then start running them via docker compose.
All app files are synced via docker-compose so you can just start deving and changes will show up automatically
The ui can then be accessed here
The api can then be accessed here
To startup the dev env without the data bootstraping simply run
$ commands/dev
Docker Compose
Do setup for dev
$ commands/test
The API tests than the UI tests will run.
1.$ commands/dev-bootstrap
: Bootstrap the dev env and starts it up
2.$ commands/dev
: Starts up the dev env
3.$ commands/dev-nuke
: Destroy the dev env and start over from ground zero
3.$ commands/test
: Run all the tests
1.$ commands/api/ci
: Run to check the API in its CI env before build and deploy
2.$ commands/api/import
: Import game data from files
3.$ commands/api/lint
: Lint the API code
4.$ commands/api/lint-check
: Lint the API code and return 0 if lint fails
5.$ commands/api/migrate
: Run outstanding DB migrations for the API
6.$ commands/api/test
: Run the API tests
1.$ commands/ui/ci
: Run to check the UI in its CI env before build and deploy
3.$ commands/ui/lint
: Lint the UI code
5.$ commands/ui/format-check
: Format
6.$ commands/ui/test
: Run the API tests