A command line tool to automate scanning for vulnerable smb hosts and conficker exploits using metasploit and python. It used two attack vector. ms08_067_netapi and remote process execution brute force (psexec). completely automated the process of using the two attack vectors on a group of vulnerable machines.
Download the smb-exploit.py file Run the python script with the appropriate arguments. The script must be run on a command and control machine.
- Must have metasploit installed in the atacker's machine.
- Must have nmap installed in the attacker's machine.
- A password list for bruteforcing
$ git clone https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework.git
$ cd metasploit-framework
$ ./msfconsole
Add the exeutabele to the path variable to use it directly.
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
$ brew install nmap
Run the scripy and specify the target host ip address list, listening host ip, password list
$ python smb-exploit.py -H -l -F passwords.txt
- nmap - nmap module for python
- Metasploit - Penetration testing framework
- optparse - Used to make a command like tool
inspired by Violent_python a cook book for hackers
This is only for educational purposes and not intended to harm anyone.