A Lifx emulator using an ESP32 and LED strips via FastLED
Bild my own Lifx bulb clones using an ESP32 with the possibility to do OTA firmware updates. The FastLED library allows to connect different LED strips to the ESP32.
- ✔️ Connect to Wifi and get recognized by the Lifx app
- ✔️ Turn light on/off
- ⭕ Change colors / color temperature
- ❌ Add compatibilty for "Location" and "Group" functions
- ❌ Add Multizone capabilites
- ❌ Add Tile capabilites
I'm using a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing and [Adafruit WS2801 RGB led strips] (https://www.adafruit.com/product/322). Code is uploaded via Arduino IDE and edited in VS Code with the Platform.io extension.
Uses the following code/libraries:
- This project is forked from ESP8266 Lifx by area3001, which is based on the code of Kayne Richens and is made possible by the efforts of the ESP8266 Community Forum and their port of the Arduino core for the ESP8266
- FastLED - MIT 2013 as of 19.05.2019
- Esp32WifiManager - GNU GPL v3.0 as of 19.05.2019
Yes, please!
To be decided...