Just a simple project due to finish "Dicoding Menjadi Android Developer Expert (MADE)" Final Submission and try new stuff on Android showing some games fetched from the RAWG (The Largest Games Database) API.
Feel free to use it just for learning or for your next Android application - I would be pretty honored!
- Android Studio
- JDK 1.8
- Android SDK
- Splash screen
- Get all games
- Search games
- Get all developers
- See all games by developers
- Add game to favorite list
- Kotlin, yes, I love it
- Clean Architecture Concepts
- Modularization
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) Architecture pattern
- Navigation Component to navigate all activity or fragment in whole app
- Coroutine Flow, a stream that produces values asynchronously
- Hilt for dependency injection purposes
- Glide to handles image loading/caching
- Mockito for mock some classes on our tests
- Espresso, for our instrumentation tests
- Retrofit for our HTTP requests
- ViewBinding for more easily write code that interacts with views
- SQLCipher for encryption
- CodeCov, for generating our code coverage in the project
- OkHttp for certificate pinning
- R8 with Proguard Rules for obfuscation
- Room for our local persistence
- CircleCI, for making a full build of our project, as well as run all tests (unit & instrumentation), once we have any push into the repo.
In case of any questions or reports the bug, feel free to open an issue, I will be glad to help.
All code licensed under the MIT License. You are free to do whatever you want with this piece of code. Check it out the LICENSE.md file for more info.